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Fort Fairfield Schools Conduct Lockdown, Not a Drill


By: David Deschesne

Fort Fairfield Journal, February 14, 2013

FORT FAIRFIELD, Maine - On Friday, February 8, just before lunch, law enforcement informed administrators at Fort Fairfield schools of a situation that could have caused a potential threat to the schools. There was no immediate threat or danger to staff or students. As a precautionary measure both schools went into lock-down mode. Fort Fairfield Police responded by sending officers to both schools where they posted guard at the entrances of both the Elementary and Middle/High school buildings.

The potential threat did not develop and the students were never in any danger. According to Superintendent, Marc Gendron, as of 12:30 classes resumed as normal. Students were dismissed at the regular time and all after school activities continued as normal as the threat level had been reduced to zero.

"I want to personally thank the Fort Fairfield Police Department, especially Shawn Newell, for their support and clear communications. I also want to thank the administrators and staff for the calm and professional manner that this situation was handled," said Gendron. "Special thanks goes out to the secretarial and social worker personnel, to also include our intern, Christina Wall, for their effective communications with a wide variety of constituents all at the same time."

Gendron said this experience taught him two things: "[That] we are blessed to have professional staff around us; and issues that are in the paper from 'away' can come to our town in a hurry so we better be prepared."

Any reports of of there being a gunman at or in school were unsubstantiated falsehoods.



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