Water Memory
By: David Deschesne
Editor/Publisher, Fort Fairfield Journal
February 14, 2018
Researchers over the past thirty years have discovered a remarkable quality of water: it appears to have a memory. That is, water can be encoded with electromagnetic signals similar to the way magnetic tape or hard drives encode information, then “played back” to retrieve those signals. Water has also been found to be influenced by music, items immersed into it, and even human personalities and emotions. While the establishment scientific community disregards these findings, they do so by ignoring the years of scientifically demonstrable and repeatable experiments conducted by researchers all over the world. As with Galileo being punished for going against the edicts of the Catholic church by claiming the Earth is a sphere and revolves around the sun (at a time when the church insisted it was flat and the center of the universe), pioneers in the forefront of scientific discoveries are always discredited by the establishment scientific community which stubbornly holds on to its ideas and refuses to accept change until a critical mass of evidence forces a paradigm shift in its thinking.
Origins of Water Memory
In 1984, French biologist, Jacques Benveniste, research director at the French Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), and his team stumbled upon this curious aspect of water when studying the affects of allergens on biological systems.
He found that when water was exposed to an allergen, and the allergen subsequently removed, the water retained a memory imprint of the allergen within it. This imprinted water was then able to affect a biological system by stimulating a response even though there was no allergen in it—only the electromagnetic impression of the allergen encoded in the otherwise pure, sterile water.
Benveniste amassed over 300 tests and was ultimately published in the prestigious scientific journal, Nature. At that point, the scientific community refused to believe water could have memory encoded in it and the journal Nature commissioned a highly biased panel of judges to meet with Benveniste to study his research. While at his lab, they stacked the deck against him, changed his experimental protocols and rigged his tests to fail. They then returned to headquarters to proudly claim his research was a fraud and they had “proven” water does not have memory.
However, Benveniste remained committed. He left INSERM and continued his research with private donations. In the late 1990s he was able to successfully impart electromagnetic signals from various compounds into sterile water, remove the compounds, record the signals to a computer disc and then impress those signals into other sterile water miles away in another lab by playing back those signals through a coil of wire wrapped around a vial of water and that water would then be shown to stimulate the same biological effect on an organism that the original compound would.
Benveniste, who had been on track to receive a Nobel Prize, died in 2004 before the full implications of his research could be realized.
Electromagnetic “Teleporting”
Benveniste’s work was picked up in 2005 by the highly respected Nobel Prize laureate, Luc Montagnier. Montagnier, also a Frenchman, received the Nobel Prize for discovering the HIV virus.
Montagnier was intrigued by Benveniste’s work and began developing a process that would actually “teleport” the DNA of a virus to anywhere in the world using only electromagnetic waves, a computer internet link and plain, sterile water.
The process is fairly simple as illustrated in the diagram, above. The steps above, in simplified terms, are:
A.) DNA strands are immersed in otherwise sterile water;
B.) The DNA strands are all removed and the water has a memory imprinted on it of the DNA strands’ electromagnetic waves that are then picked up by a very sensitive electrical transducer;
C.) A computer records the electromagnetic waves emanating from the water as an audio file on its hard drive;
D.) the audio file is E-mailed to a remote computer over the internet;
E.) the remote computer receives the audio file and plays it back;
F.) the audio output of the remote computer is amplified and run through a coil of wire surrounding a flask of sterile water for about an hour;
G.) bits and pieces of DNA proteins are introduced to the newly encoded water along with a catalyzer;
H.) the protein strands then assemble themselves into a DNA strand nearly identical to the original.
The four proteins that make up DNA; adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine—abbreviated A, T, C, and G—and a catalyzer are dumped into the water that was exposed to the electromagnetic signals of the original DNA strand. The proteins then self-assemble back together in the exact formation of the original DNA strand that was recorded 1,500 kilometers away, with a 98% accuracy. It’s important to note the original DNA did not get teleported, per se, but a copy of it was made at the remote location.
This test has been duplicated many times and has now become routine. In December, 2012 a French video documentary production company even recorded the process and that documentary is available to watch on YouTube (in English).
The implications of Dr. Montagnier’s research is that rather than mass-producing chemically-composed drugs for medicine, the drug only needs to be produced once, its electromagnetic signature captured in water, then recorded and induced in other water—a process much cheaper than producing chemical drugs. Since this would drastically reduce the profit potential of pharmaceutical companies to simple audio files on a computer hard drive, that can be readily impressed onto any vial of water, they will continue to stubbornly resist the research that will eventually destroy their very profitable business model based upon manufacturing chemical-based pills.
Physical and Personality
Impressions on Water
Professor Bernd Kröplin at Stuttgart University developed another method that illustrates water memory. His method has drops of water placed on a slide, allowed to dry, then viewed under a normal microscope. Kröplin showed how when items such as flowers were immersed into water, the water—once its drop dried on the slide—showed an image eerily similar to the original flower. He also conducted experiments where a normal head of lettuce was immersed in water, its image pattern photographed, then exposed it to two minutes of cell phone radiation. The cell phone-radiated lettuce then showed a remarkably distorted image. Considering our brains are 90% water, and most people immerse themselves in cell phone radiation many hours a day, it is not much of a stretch to imagine the adverse effects cell phones can have on human brain functions.
Professor Kröplin’s experiments also showed that drops of water will be impressed with a unique signature, which can be photographed under a normal microscope, of the individual person handling the water. In one test, he had four different volunteers draw water into syringes from a single vat of water. Each person had the same water in their syringe. They then placed multiple drops on their own microscope slides. Once dried, it was found each person’s psyche or energy field had impressed itself on their own water with multiple drops resembling each other. However, the slides of each of the four volunteers all exhibited markedly different optical patterns respectively.
Emotions Captured by Water
The previous examples showed how water can encode either electromagnetic waves, or optical phenomena of subject matter. But it has also been found that water can be affected by, and encode, both positive and negative human emotions.
Professor Konstantin Korotkov, from the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences conducted experiments where two flasks of water were drawn from the same source. The first flask was subjected to a group of volunteers who directed loving, compassionate and supportive thoughts to it. The second flask was subjected to those same volunteers directing hateful, antagonistic and evil thoughts toward it. Korotkov was able to measure significant electrical difference between the two flasks of water—with the loving and compassionate flask having greater energy and the second, evil and nasty flask showing much less energy.
Water exposed to pleasant, supportive and loving thoughts is also called “structurized” water. Professor Gerbert Klima at the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Vienna, Austria found that structurized water caused seeds to sprout more quickly and the plants derived from it bloomed faster and produced larger fruit much more quickly than plants watered with plain water.
Dr. Masaru Emoto, a researcher in Japan conducted experiments where water was subjected to various types of music from classical to heavy metal rock. The water was then flash-frozen and the subsequent ice crystals observed under a microscope. Dr. Emoto found that soft, pleasant, classical music created symmetrical and beautiful crystals in the water resembling snowflakes, while the water exposed to hard, heavy metal rock music created crystals that were fractured and disoriented.
Dr. Emoto’s crowning research is his famous rice experiment, which presumably illustrates the positive and negative effects human emotions can have on water. In this experiment, Dr. Emoto set up three flasks of rice all soaked in the same water. The first flask he subjected to daily thoughts and words of support and love; the second flask he directed angry, hateful and evil thoughts; the third flask he ignored.
After several weeks of this daily ritual he found the flask that had loving thoughts directed to it showed the rice in reasonably good shape and softly fermenting with a pleasant aroma; the second, hate-directed flask of rice was black and rotten and the third flask of rice, which had been ignored, was beginning to rot and mold, but nowhere near as badly as the rice that had hate and evil thoughts directed at it. Since Dr. Emoto’s research, other amateur experimenters have allegedly been able to duplicate his results.
Informational Pollution
Similar to the emotion-absorbing slime running under the city of New York in the movie, Ghostbusters II, water does seem to absorb and retransmit to other humans and biological systems either the positive or negative emotions that are impressed upon it in a given area.
Considering most water consumed in municipalities throughout the developed portions of the world is in a closed loop style municipal water system, it is plausible that the water, while chemically “clean,” can be tainted with informational pollution from the people around it. This water then continues to perpetuate its effects on the populace by imparting the negative and destructive emotions in it on the people of that area. While some are more affected and sensitive to this informational pollution than others, this affect of water memory lends to the plausibility that the old maxim “there must be something in the water” when trying to explain the psyche and mindset of various people in closed societies such as inner cities as opposed to those who exist in and around water in the less populated countryside that is not exposed to such negative emotions.
Expanding on this theory further, is Effe Chow, a member of the U.S.-based Executive Council on Alternative Medicine. Chow suggests it could be this informational pollution of water that is causing the drastic changes in weather from tsunamis and hurricanes to other freak weather occurrences since they all require water in order to function. She also suggests negative emotions, fear, poor health and terrorism may be continually manifesting in the human psyche as a result of this informational pollution of water.
Water has been shown to absorb a wide bandwidth of electromagnetic waves from the optical and acoustical to the sub-audible alpha and beta wavelengths of human brains given off in their various emotional states. Researchers believe this is due to the molecular structure of water molecules where several molecules of H2O will join together to form a “coherent domain” that excludes other physical molecules, but traps electromagnetic and other waves of energy within them. These trapped waves then can affect other water that comes into contact with it, or other biological systems that use water as part of their function, composition and metabolism.
While the establishment scientific community is reluctantly and begrudgingly beginning to accept this research, they have not reached the point yet where it is politically correct to financially support it.