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From the Editor


By:  David Deschesne

Editor/Publisher, Fort Fairfield Journal

You know, I really don’t make a lot of money publishing this newspaper. I make enough to keep it going and have to supplement my income with sound system rentals (which is what I started out doing twenty-five years ago). I keep publishing not because I count my wealth in dollars, but because I count my wealth, in part, in your increased knowledge of the world around you. After all, if you’re not free, I’m not free.

Since my wife and I don’t make a lot of money, we’ve had to learn how to scale back our lifestyle and live within our means. Balancing the needs of running our respective businesses and keeping the necessary equipment current and maintained with the limited income we have is no easy feat, but it is doable.

Given our current United States government is nearing $16 trillion in debt, and is going into debt at an average of $2 million per minute(!) I think it would behoove us to look into their current expenses to see what they could try to do without.

The following list is a partial compilation of various federal government agencies that have developed over the past 200 years and continue to stay with us. Since I’m not running for public office, I can advocate for the elimination of these offices and agencies. When reading down through the list, think of all the heads and sub-heads of each earning hundreds of thousands of dollars per year plus a lucrative benefits package, plus all the staff that has to be paid as well—all out of taxes that are collected at the barrel of a police officer’s gun. Then, think of all the people in the U.S. who have become accustomed to receiving some form of benefit or another from these agencies and you will soon see why it is political suicide for any politician to ever advocate for scaling down or cutting back any, or all, of these expenses.

The only criteria I have used to compile this list (which is from the U.S. Government Manual) is if the agency, corporation or administration is not specifically authorized to exist by the U.S. Constitution—which is still the Supreme Law of the Land.

Now, considering the debt load of the following agencies and administrations, is it any wonder we are $16 trillion in debt? Absent a U.S. Congress who is willing to eliminate these untenable costs, is there any hope of us reigning in uncontrollable spending? No.


Unconstitutional Federal

Government Agencies

(partial listing)

Advanced Research Projects Agency

Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations

Advisory Council on Historic Preservation

African Development Foundation

Agency for International Development

Agricultural Marketing Service

Agricultural Research Service

Agriculture, Department of

Economic Research Service

Energy, Office of

Environmental Quality, Office of

Federal Acquisition Regulation

Federal Crop Insurance Corp.

Food and Nutrition Service

Foreign Agricultural Service

Forest Service

Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards


Information Resources Management

Inspector General, Office of

National Agricultural Library

National Agricultural Statistics Service

National Resources Conservation Service

Operations, Office of

Procurement and Property Management

Rural Business - Cooperative Service

Rural Development Administration

Rural Housing Service

Rural Telephone Bank

Rural Utilities Service

Secretary of Agriculture, Office of

Transportation, Office of

World Outlook Board


American Battle Monuments Commission

American Indians, Office of Trustee

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

Appalachian Regional Commission

Architectural/Transportation Barriers Compliance Board

Arctic Research Commission

Assassination Records Review Board

Benefits Review Board

Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs, Office of

Blind or Severely Disabled, Committee for Purchase from People who are

Board for International Broadcasting

Broadcasting Board of Governors

Federal Acquisition Regulation

Central Intelligence Agency

Child Support Enforcement

Children and Families Administration

Civil Rights, Commission on

Civil Rights, Office for

Commerce Department

Economic Analysis, Bureau of

Economic Development Administrations

Emergency Management Assistance

Fishery Conservation and Management

International Trade Administration

National Marine Fisheries Service

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

National Telecommunications and Information Administration

National Weather Service

Productivity, Technology and Innovation, Assistant Secretary

Technology, Undersecretary for

Commercial Space Transportation

Commodity Credit Corporation

Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Community Development Financial Institutions Fund

Community Planning and Development

Community Service, Office of

Construction Industry Collective Bargaining


Consumer Product Safety Commission

Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service

Corporation for National and Community Service

Cost Accounting Standards Board

Council on Environmental Quality

Delaware River Basin Commission

Drug Enforcement Administration

Economic Affairs, Undersecretary of

Economic Analysis, Bureau of

Economic Development Administration

Economic Research Service

Education, Department of

Bilingual Education and Minority Languages

Affairs, Office of

Civil Rights, Office of

Educational Research and Improvement

Elementary and Secondary Education

Federal Acquisition Regulation

Postsecondary Education

Secretary of Educations

Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Office of

Vocational and Adult Education

Emergency Oil and Gas Guaranteed Loan Board

Emergency Steel Guarantee Loan Board

Employees' Compensation Appeals Board

Employees Loyalty Board

Employment and Training Administration

Employment Standards Administration

Endangered Species Committee

Energy, Department of

Energy, Office of

Engineers, Corps of

Environmental Protection Agency

Environmental Quality, Office of

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Equal Opportunity, Office of Assistant Secretary

Export Administration, Bureau of

Export-Import Bank of the United States

Family Assistance, Office of

Farm Service Agency

Farm Credit Administration

Farm Credit System Insurance Corp.

Federal Acquisition Regulation

Federal Aviation Administration

Federal Claims Collections Standards

Federal Communications Commission

Federal Contract Compliance Programs

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Federal Election Commission

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Federal Employees Life Insurance

Federal Employees Health Benefits

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council

Federal Financing Bank

Federal Highway Administration

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.

Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight Office

Federal Labor Relations Authority

Federal Law Enforcement Training Center

Federal Management Regulation

Federal Maritime Administration

Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service

Federal Mine Safety and Health Review

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

Federal Prison Industries, Inc.

Federal Procurement Policy, Office of

Federal Property Management Regulations

Federal Property Management Regulations System

Federal Railroad Administration

Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board

Federal Service Impasse Panel

Federal Trade Commission

Federal Transit Administration

Federal Travel Regulation System

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network

Fine Arts, Commission on

Fiscal Service

Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S.

Fishery Conservation and Management

Food and Drug Administration

Food and Nutrition Service

Foreign Agricultural Service

Foreign Assets Control, Office of

Foreign Claims Settlement Commission

Foreign Service Grievance Board

Foreign Service Impasse Disputes Board

Foreign Service Labor Relations Board

Foreign Trade Zones Board

Forest Service

Geological Survey

Government Ethics, Office of

Government National Mortgage Association

Harry S. Truman Scholarship Program

Health and Human Services, Dept. of

Health Care Financing Administration

Housing and Urban Development

Federal Housing Commissioner

Human Development Services

Independent Counsel, Office of

Indian Affairs, Bureau of

Indian Arts and Crafts Board

Indian Health Service

Information Resources Management

Information Security Oversight Office

Inspector General

Institute of Peace, U.S.

Inter-American Foundation

Intergovernmental Relations, Advisory Commission

Interior Department

Internal Revenue Service

International Boundary and Water Commission

International Development, U.S. Agency on

International Development Cooperation Agency

International Fishing and Related Activities

International Investment

International Joint Commission, U.S. and Canada

International Organizations Employees Loyalty Board

International Trade Administration

International Trade Commission

James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation

Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission

Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries

Labor Department

Labor-Management Standards, Office of

Land Management, Bureau of

Legal Services Corporation

Management and Budget, Office of

Marine Mammal Commission

Maritime Administration

Micronesian Status Negotiations

Mine Safety and Health Administration

Minerals Management Service

Mines, Bureau of

Minority Business Development Agency

Monetary Offices

Multifamily Housing Assistance Restructuring, Office of

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

National and Community Service Corp.

National Capital Planning Commission

National Commission for Employment Policy

National Commission on Libraries and Information Science

National Council on Disability

National Counterintelligence Center

National Credit Union Administration

National Drug Control Policy, Office of

National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities

National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration

National Imagery and Mapping Agency

National Indian Gaming Commission

National Institute for Literacy

National Institute for Standards and Technology

National Labor Relations Board

National Mediation Board

National Park Service

National Railroad Adjustment Board

National Science Foundation

National Telecommunications and Information


Natural Resources Conservation Service

Neighborhood Reinvestment Corp.

Northeast Dairy Compact Commission

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Occupational Safety and Health Review Board

Oklahoma City National Memorial Trust Operations Office

Overseas Private Investment Corp.

Payment from a non-Federal Source for Travel Expenses

Payment of Expenses Connected With the Death of Certain Employees

Peace Corps

Pennsylvania Avenue Development Commission

Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in Armed Forces

Presidential Documents

Presidio Trust

Prisons, Bureau of

Procurement and Property Management

Productivity, Technology and Innovation, Assistant Secretary

Public Contracts, Dept. of Labor

Public and Indian Housing

Public Health Service

Railroad Retirement Board

Reclamation, Bureau of

Refugee Resettlement, Office of

Regional Action Planning Commissions Relocation Allowances

Research and Special Programs Administration

Rural Business-Cooperative Service

Rural Development Administration

Rural Housing Service

Rural Telephone Bank

Rural Utilities Service

Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation

Science and Technology Policy, Office of

Secret Service

Securities and Exchange Commission

Selective Service System

Small Business Administration

Smithsonian Institution

Social Security Administration

Soldiers' and Airmens' Home

Special Counsel, Office of

Surface Mining and Reclamation Appeals, Office of

Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Office of

Surface Transportation Board

Susquehanna River Basin Commission

Technology Administration

Technology Policy, Assistant Secretary of

Technology, Undersecretary for

Tennessee Valley Authority

Thrift Supervision Office

Trade Representative, U.S.

Transportation Dept.

Transportation, Office of

Transportation Safety Administration

Transportation Statistics Bureau

Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission

Veterans Affairs Dept.

Veterans Employment and Training

Wage and Hour Division

Worker's Compensation Programs




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