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From the Editor
By: David Deschesne Editor/Publisher, Fort Fairfield Journal October 31, 2012
Concentration Camps for U.S. Citizens During Civil Unrest With over 175 million people in the United States accustomed to receiving some form of welfare benefit, disability income, food stamp program, free cell phone or free health care, the national and state governments, which are in debt to the tune of trillions of dollars, are rapidly reaching the point where those benefit packages are no longer sustainable and soon large segments of society will be forced off the dole and to fend for themselves. When that happens, an entire class of people not accustomed to taking care of themselves or their family without the monthly assistance of a government check or electronic bank transfer will become very unruly and various think-tanks have predicted violent riots will break out across the country. But, don’t fear, the U.S. government has been developing a concentration camp style system with the U.S. Army and will clamp down on society, placing everyone who defies the iron fist of the president into a prison camp where they will be made to labor for their daily bread, until such point that the government determines those prisoners are no longer needed and exterminates them. Sound radical? Yes, it is, and in one form or another it is what has happened in every country throughout history that has tried socialism’s welfare benefits scheme and found themselves unable to sustain a population base that decides not to work and instead sits around waiting for government to steal from one class of citizen in order to give to another. NAZI Germany (NAZI stood for the National Socialist German Worker party) of the 1930s through 1940s is an extreme example, but Communist China, the former Soviet Union, North Korea, Uganda and Zimbabwe also stand as examples of ruthless police state aggression against their citizenry when the government is no longer able to take care of its people, has run out of money, and needs to conduct population and resource control in order to maintain its power monopoly and control of its angry, disenfranchised citizens. After adopting all the planks of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto over the past 100 years, the United States is now no different than any other socialist or communist country and the U.S. Army has been developing procedures to quell dissent and keep the establishment in power at all costs when either the money runs out, or the welfare checks won’t be enough to pay for the massive increase in the cost of food and living. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not bashing welfare recipients, here. As Star Parker so eloquently states in her book, Uncle Sam’s Plantation, “Welfare is a sociological monster, perhaps birthed with the best of intentions, but now unwieldy and insidious, damaging the very people it was intended to help. If we are ever to slay the beast, we must understand its origins and where it went so terribly wrong.” Welfare, as Parker points out, is a slave system designed to control a class of people and as I point out here, historically ends in prison camps, destitution and death of society.
Internment and Resettlement Operations In February, 2010, the Headquarters, Department of the Army updated its Field Manual FM 3-39.40, Internment and Resettlement Operations Manual. It describes the Army’s procedures for dealing with various classes of prisoners. The ones we’re interested in here are: the Dislocated Civilian (DC), which are civilians who have been moved from their homes due to either natural or man-made disaster; and the Civilian Internee (CI), which is a civilian who is interned during armed conflict, occupation, or other military operation for security reasons, for protection, or because he or she committed an offense against the detaining power. Other classifications are Retained Persons, Enemy Prisoner of War and Military Prisoner. For the purposes of societal breakdown and domestic riot control, though, we will just be dealing with the Civilian end here.
Martial Law While the Posse Comitatus Act prohibits the use of the military for domestic, civilian law enforcement purposes, it can be suspended whenever Congress feels it’s necessary and allow the Army, Marines, or any other branch of the military to either assist or completely take over local law enforcement duties. “The Posse Comitatus Act prohibits the U.S. military from enforcing civilian laws within the United States or its territories without specific authorization. The U.S. Constitution and other federal, state and local laws may directly and significantly affect operations in the U.S. and its territories if the enforcement functions in such cases require an authorization through a congressional act (for example, Title 10 USC, Sections 331 through 334 [Insurrection Statutes] or a constitutional authorization (for example the President invoking his executive authority under Article 2 of the Constitution). U.S. Army National Guard soldiers operating in a nonfederal status are not restricted by the Posse Comitatus Act (see Title 32, USC, and JP3-28).”1
Camp Construction and Protocol U.S. concentration camps have been
designed to hold as few as 300 people, or as many as 4,000 or 8,000. On January 24, 2006, Halliburton Company's subsidiary, KBR (Kellogg, Brown and Root) announced that it had been awarded a $385 million contingency contract by the Department of Homeland Security to build detention camps in the United States. According to a press release posted on the Halliburton website, “The contract, which is effective immediately, provides for establishing temporary detention and processing capabilities to augment existing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Detention and Removal Operations (DRO) Program facilities in the event of an emergency influx of immigrants into the U.S., or to support the rapid development of new programs. The contingency support contract provides for planning and, if required, initiation of specific engineering, construction and logistics support tasks to establish, operate and maintain one or more expansion facilities.” A few years later, in November, 2011, KBR issued a Request for Proposal to subcontractors to provide products and services at their newly constructed concentration camps. Services up for bid included catering, temporary fencing and barricades, laundry and medical services, power generation, refuse collection, and other services required for temporary “emergency environment” camps located in five regions of the United States. KBR’s call for FEMA camp service bids arrived soon after the Senate overwhelmingly passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which permits the military to detain and interrogate supposed domestic terror suspects in violation of the Fourth Amendment and Posse Comitatus. Section 1031 of the NDAA bill declares the whole of the United States as a “battlefield” and allows American citizens to be arrested on U.S. soil and incarcerated in military prisons. In the event of civil unrest, the U.S. military will be called in to conduct law enforcement activities and begin rounding up dissidents. The first place those dissidents will end up is a Detainee Collection Point, which is usually a school, church, warehouse or sports stadium, whichever is available. The Detainee Collection point may be operated by civilians such as local law enforcement until such time that the prisoners are transferred to a Detainee Holding Area or Theater Internment Facility under control of the Army.2 Resettlement operations will generally be conducted by Military Police, who provide population control such as enforcing curfews, restricting movement, checking travel permits and registration cards, operating checkpoints, instituting amnesty programs and conducting inspections. 3 They will also conduct resource control with licensing, regulations or guidelines, checkpoints, ration controls, amnesty programs and facility inspections.4
Life in the Camps “Many military police express support for physically exhausting activity in detention as a positive outlet for energy that may otherwise be used for counterproductive purposes”5 You can read “counterproductive” as doing anything the government doesn’t want you to do. While in the camps, “sports clubs may be organized within the facility for this purpose. Time and space are set aside to accommodate detainees’ physical exercise.”5 The detention center commander may also approve religious discussion groups under the direction of a government-friendly patsy who will steer and direct the group, using religious faith, to follow the dictates of the government. “Clerical leaders who are chosen to participate must be carefully vetted and are typically selected from moderate elements of their respective religions.”6 Agricultural work farms are also planned for Civilian Detainees. “Where practical, detainees will be required to raise vegetables for their use. This work is classified as paid work. Agricultural and gardening projects are particularly desirable because they provide gainful employment for large numbers of individuals. The food produced by the gardening projects provides a valuable supplement to detainee diets at a minimal expense. The produce from gardens is U.S. property. It will be used for the benefit of detainees and U.S. armed forces and will not be sold or traded in civilian markets.”7 Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) are key to a smooth running concentration camp and PSYOPS officers are trained to “effectively support Internment/Resettlement operations...” such as, “...developing a PSYOP program and conducting PSYOP to pacify, obtain cooperation from, and condition the Internment/Resettlement facility population to accept U.S. authority.”8
We’re Already in the Camps In many ways, we are already living under a martial law concentration camp system with our vehicle registration and driver’s licensing; hunting and fishing licenses, police checkpoints, Crimestoppers amnesty program, food stamps and welfare benefits rationing; and OSHA, DEP, CPS and TSA inspections. Those of us who do labor are forced to give a large portion of our income to the government controllers in the form of taxation and are left with a pittance of money for our efforts. Public schools, colleges, universities and the mainstream media are the PSYOPS officers who condition and mold the mindset of the public to accept government authority at all costs, no matter how dictatorial or oppressive it may be. While we on the outside of conventional prisons don’t have forced labor work farms yet, people do labor and the U.S. government considers that labor its property and taxes it obsessively whether the money is earned inside the U.S. or in another country. The only difference between the Army’s concentration camp and the concentration camp-at-large system just described is we have not yet been put behind barbed wire with armed guard towers around us. But, the end result is the same; we’re imprisoned, are regulated, licensed, rationed, taxed and controlled just the same. It’s when the public becomes unruly that things will change for the worse and the government, seeking to maintain its monopoly of force and power, will slam us all into its prisons and turn our country into another tin-horn socialist/communist dictatorship to be logged into the history books as yet another failed state. Notes 1. FM 3-39.40, §10-40 2. op cit §6-10 3. op cit §2-29 4. op cit §10-23 5. op cit §8-47 6. op cit §8-43 7. op cit Appendix J-75 8. op cit. Appendix K
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