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Ed & Elaine Brown Still Being Tortured in Federal Gulags Five and a Half Years After Protesting Unlawful Federal Income Tax


By: David Deschesne

Fort Fairfield Journal, May 29, 2013

After nearly five and a half years of federal incarceration, Ed and Elaine Brown are still experiencing mistreatment and torture in a prison system whose compliance techniques are modeled after those of the gulags of the former Soviet Union.

The Browns fell out of favor with the banking criminals who own and operate the U.S. government in 2007 when they withheld money from the Internal Revenue Service in lieu of the government showing the actual law that required them to pay.

Rather than show the law (it does not exist), the I.R.S. resorted to its tried and proven methods of compliance by using threat, harassment and intimidation in order that the truth of their scam would not come to public light.

For months, the Browns maintained a peaceful standoff in their home in Plainfield, New Hampshire, defying court orders and continually demanding the I.R.S. show the law requiring any American to pay the fraudulent Federal Income Tax.

Ultimately, they were captured and imprisoned by the feds and forced to undergo various forms of pain and deprivation compliance torture in several federal prisons for their stand against the I.R.S.

In a recent letter to the Fort Fairfield Journal, Ed Brown describes some of the tortures he and his elderly wife have had to endure.

Upon her transfer to a federal prison in West Virginia, Brown writes how his wife was severely mistreated.

“She said they put her in high max. solitary and the cell is ’very’ cold (torture), and she is terrified,” wrote Mr. Brown. “She asked me to pray for her—something she has never done before. She is really terrified.”

Ed describes these isolation cells as torture to most people. “Isolation is the cruelest form of punishment. The cell they put me in had ice on the floor and I was there for two and a half months. These are deprivation cells designed only for abuse and torture.”
Ed reflects back on he and his wife’s peaceful protest against the I.R.S., by simply demanding the feds produce a copy of the law that required Americans to submit to an income tax to begin with. If the law would have been shown, they would have paid.

“This gentle woman did nothing to be held captive and now after five years of punishment they’re going to start torturing her. I fear for her safety and life and I’m not being dramatic. I have almost been killed more than half a dozen times in these cells with gas (on record), heat (110 degrees, trapped); freezing and etc.”

Brown said the prison he is in has cut off his blood pressure medication and he almost died in January, 2012. “My blood pressure went to 201/121—stroke level. I am currently in the S.H.U. because I’ve been assaulted for the third time in five months by a Muslim group.”

Ed asks all to send his wife some encouragement. “I can’t believe we are still in prison without a lawful trial.”

Elaine Brown’s current contact information is:

Elaine Alice: Brown

Reg# 03924-049

U.S.P. Hazelton

P.O. Box 2000

Bruceton Mills, West Virginia 26525



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