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U.S. CDC Publishes Study Showing NO Asymptomatic Spread of COVID-19


Mandatory Face Masks in Public Were Mostly Unnecessary for Public Health, But Were Instead Used as a Nefarious Mind Control Experiment

By:  David Deschesne

Fort Fairfield Journal, June 2, 2021


   As the dust settles on the societal carnage which resulted from the left wing media’s concocted COVID-19 fear and hysteria psychological warfare campaign, the U.S. CDC quietly published a study proving the crux of their face mask mandate argument - so-called “asymptomatic” spread of COVID-19 - was non-existent in the study participants and thus the entire narrative to sell the public on using face masks in public was, in all likelihood, a complete sham.

   This shouldn’t come as a surprise for most people since it is a well-known fact that any message the government puts out over the establishment left-wing run news media is generally a lie, fabricated out of whole cloth to dupe an unwitting public.  In this case, that lie was to generate enough fear in the general public to create an artificial demand for the experimental COVID-19 population-culling gene therapy masquerading as a “vaccine” which was already produced and ready for testing in humans before the first cases of COVID-19 hit the U.S. in early Spring, 2020.

   The study, entitled “Analysis of Asymptomatic and Presymptomatic Transmission in SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak, Germany, 2020” was published in the U.S. CDC’s journal, Emerging Infectious Diseases in April, 2021.1  The report authors, from the Robert Koch Institute, Berlin; European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Stockholm, Sweden; Stockholm University and Federal Institute for Quality Assurance, Berlin, noted in their opening synopsis how they “observed no transmission from asymptomatic case-patients…”

   The government and their lackeys in  the left wing media browbeat the public for months over the necessity of wearing face masks to stop the spread of the respiratory virus that was being carried in potentially many millions of people who were showing absolutely no symptoms of any disease.   Television newscasts featured Computer Generated (CG) graphics of an unsuspecting asymptomatic COVID-19 patient unwittingly spewing out thousands of COVID cooties to anyone near them. 

   Not only were those CG images not based in reality, since asymptomatic people don’t spread viruses, the face masks touted as the “solution” were never designed to stop respiratory virus transmission to begin with.

   The study looked at a total of 53 people diagnosed with COVID-19 disease - 26 females and 27 males.  Out of that group there were 7 who were asymptomatic.  When looking at the number of household contacts who then caught COVID-19 from those asymptomatic cases the researchers found zero people infected.

   “We did not identify any [Household Contact] who tested positive or experienced respiratory symptoms after contact with asymptomatic case-patients,” the authors stated in their study.  “The fact that we did not detect any laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 transmission from asymptomatic case-patients is in line with multiple studies.”

   However, they did  note that presymptomatic transmission was more frequent than symptomatic but the period of presymptomatic conditions was a “very short time interval.”  They then suggested that “some studies may be prone to misclassify presymptomatic cases as asymptomatic, leading to heterogeneous reporting of [Secondary Attack Rate] of asymptomatic cases.”

   In other words, the presymptomatic cases got lumped in with asymptomatic and skewed the numbers.

   Presymptomatic is a short duration of a couple of hours before full symptom onset.  The person will usually feel like they are “coming down with something” without actually manifesting the symptoms yet.

   In a recent interview2 Dr. Michael Yeadon, Ph. D., the former VP and Chief Science Officer at Pfizer (he was not involved in this study) explained “presymptomatic” as;  “There might be a brief period of a few hours when the virus is growing quickly, your body's just starting to respond.  You might not quite feel a hundred percent but you're not ill, yet.  That's called pre-symptomatic.  I guess it's possible a few people were infected that way.  But the idea that transmission, a major contribution to epidemic spreading occurred in a person that was full of virus and had no symptoms; it's just bunk.”

   He also noted how we unconsciously “size people up” when meeting them.3

   “We are very good at noticing if someone's a health threat to us.  Usually a respiratory threat to us.  When you come up to a person - a relative or a stranger - without trying, you've 'scanned' them.  And you are aware is their gait normal, is the head normal, are they looking at you clear-eyed, or do they look hunched and a little bit ill, without thinking about it, if you don't know them, you will skirt around them.  In a sense, you'll socially distance unconsciously.”

   As for a person who was infected, but not coughing or sneezing,  simply spreading the virus in exhaled breath was found to be negligible. A study published in the journal Nature found that there wasn’t that much virus spread in that way.  The report stated, “Among the samples collected without a face mask, we found that the majority of participants with influenza virus and coronavirus infection did not shed detectable virus in respiratory droplets or aerosols...For those who did shed virus in respiratory droplets and aerosols, viral load in both tended to be low.”4

   Those who were labeled as asymptomatic because they had a positive PCR test may have been misdiagnosed because the sensitivity of those tests - and the wholesale rate at which they were deployed throughout the public in 2020 - necessarily returned positive tests for a great number of people who had non-infectious strands of the viral RNA in them, or levels of the virus too small to create illness, which is why they did not have symptoms to begin with - they weren’t sick.

   In August, 2020, the New York Times found as much as 90% of the positive PCR tests were set to be too sensitive and would have been counted as negative under normal reporting conditions.5   This misuse of the PCR tests, which were never intended to diagnose a disease, artificially created a positive case rate in a large sector of the population who simply were not sick or infectious.



2. (last two characters before final backslash are lower case “L” and numeral zero) comments start at 19:20

3.  for more information on this subject, check out the book, “Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking” by Malcolm Gladwell ISBN 978-0-316-01066-5

