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Government-Sponsored Weather Modification Could Explain Unseasonable Weather Events

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Strange weather events are not necessarily due to carbon dioxide-induced "climate change" but rather are likely caused by deliberate weather modification programs instituted by the U.S. government.

image credit: David Deschesne

By: David Deschesne
Fort Fairfield Journal, December 27, 2023, page 1

The climate is changing and part of those changes is likely caused by man’s actions. But carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the atmosphere have little to nothing to do with it. Rather, government-sponsored weather modification programs, having been deployed over the past three decades, are the much more likely culprits.

Dane Wigington, lead researcher at, was interviewed on a television program where he explained his experiences while researching man-made climate modification techniques being used by the U.S. government, and other developed nations around the world.[1]

Wigington explained how there are two primary ideologies driving the climate modification agenda. One is solar radiation management and the other, Carbon Dioxide removal. Wigington says his organization does not deal with the carbon dioxide removal issue, but rather, the ability of governments to use advanced technology to manipulate the weather on a regional and global scale.

“Our primary mission at is to expose to the public programs that have been fully deployed for decades with no public disclosure, no environmental impact reports whatsoever and with solar radiation management, cloud albedo enhancement, stratospheric aerosol injection, those are all the science names that are applicable to what's going on in our skies that the entire so-called 'climate science' community continues to pretend are just proposals. We have filmed footage of these operations occurring up close, taken at altitude, nozzles [on aircraft] visible turning on and off.”

According to researcher, D.S. Halacy Jr., due to cloud cover an average of 43 percent of the solar energy hitting our atmosphere actually gets through to earth, but not all is absorbed by the planet as heat. “The reflection coefficient, which scientists call the albedo, of earth varies from 5 per cent to 20 per cent, depending on whether it is ice cap or dark, rough earth. Average albedo is about 12 per cent, so only 88 per cent of received heat is absorbed. thus only a little more than one-third (or 43 per cent less 12 per cent) of the sun’s heat is absorbed by earth."[2]

Like earth albedo, artificially enhancing cloud albedo, as Wigington explains, is enhancing the ability of clouds to reflect more sunlight back into space than they normally would.

While solar management processes can be from something as simple as Marine Cloud Brightening, where huge barges pump a mist of sea water high into the atmosphere to artificially create Marine Stratocumulus Clouds in order to block out sunlight, Wigington's team has spent a great deal of time and money studying a more covert form of atmospheric and weather modification in the form of chemtrails. Chemtrails are where, usually, government aircraft surreptitiously spray chemicals and metals high in the atmosphere that spread out over the skies with the intention of modifying the weather. Coupled with next generation High Altitude Aural Research Project (HAARP) technology, the U.S. government specifically can affect the weather in various parts of the world and usually does so to either gain a military advantage or to punish a country that isn't conforming to the will of the globalists who own and operate the U.S. government infrastructure.

These chemtrails are cleverly disguised, and written off by officials, as condensation trails. But the two are not the same thing.

“We have lab tests from all over the world that show the exact same elements named in climate engineering patents showing up in our precipitation and, at tremendous expense and difficulty, acquired a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration flying lab, put top scientists in it, went to altitude, sampled what heavy aircraft were emitting in our skies, processed those samples at one of the world's most renown labs - Rensselaer Polytechnic [Institute] - [and] found exactly what we knew we'd find: climate engineering elements. So, there's no speculation, these operations are absolutely going on,” said Wigington.

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Chemtrails criss-cross the skies over Aroostook County, Maine on a regular basis throughout the year (left) and hang there for hours creating a light haze designed to reflect sunlight. Condensation trails (right) are a natural result of the hot jet engine exhaust contacting cold air, producing trails of water vapor which only hang in the air for minutes or less before dissipating. Chemtrails are deliberately sprayed by the government over all portions of the U.S. and may contain various toxic metals and compounds dangerous to life.

photos/David Deschesne

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The HAARP was started in the 1990’s by U.S. military contractors. The first full scale project was built in Alaska. It consists of arrays of High Frequency (HF) antennas spread out over hundreds of acres, transmitters and amplifiers similar in frequency to a typical Ham radio outfit, only transmitting at hundreds of millions of watts with the intention of heating the bottom layer of the ionosphere.[3]

The radio waves from these antennas interact with the chemicals and metals injected into the upper atmosphere in the chemtrails to heat up the air in that layer and thus shift the direction and flow of the jet stream in order to steer weather to their advantage - either politically or militarily.

Some test samples have shown chemtrails to contain various metals such as aluminum, barium, radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium and nickel, along with mold spores, yellow fungal mycotoxins and polymer fibers.[4]

Wigington said weather is being used as a weapon at this point. “It's a very valued weapon by those in control because they can blame it on nature. Also, the psychological aspect of this; when they can engineer cool-down events, as they're doing in the U.S. right now, on an extraordinary scale with chemical ice nucleation for weather modification; seeding clouds with chemical ice nucleating elements that create an endothermic reaction which creates a cold insulated layer of air that descends to the surface and lowers temperatures dramatically even turning what should be liquid precipitation frozen. They're literally engineering winter and in doing so they can affect psychologically people's perspective on the state of the climate and the state of the environment.”

In other words, they can shift the blame to “climate change” and most people would be none the wiser as they are cajoled by government into purchasing expensive and useless electric vehicles to “solve” the problem the government created in the first place.

Here, in Maine, over the past decade we have witnessed our normal winter - which once started with snowfall that stayed on the ground in late October, early November - shifting further and further toward the end of the year. Over the past few years, Maine has experienced an unusually warm December and January with winter snowfall finally melting in April and May when it normally started melting off in March. This current year, 2023, there is no snow cover on the ground at all in Northern Maine as of December 25 and no snow in the short-term forecast through the end of the year.

Maine also experienced a severe wind storm on December 18, 2023 which knocked out power for 400,000 people. Intriguingly, the same type of wind storm blew through Maine around the same time in the previous December of 2022 - a time of year when violent wind storms and unseasonably warm temperatures have historically been quite rare in Maine.

These anomalous weather events could be the unintended results of the U.S. government tweaking the atmosphere with weather modification technology. One of the immediate downsides of these weather modification chemtrails is the reduction of solar uptake in solar panels being used for electricity generation. While the government is spending billions of dollars of taxpayer money to fund the construction of huge solar farms, they are also funding projects that will increase cloud cover and reduce the amount of sunlight reaching the earth on average throughout the year. For example, here in Maine in the Spring, Summer and Fall of 2023, it rained nearly continuously for weeks at a time and when it wasn't raining there was constant overcast skies. Only a few days out of that time period were clear and sunny. This must be aggravating to those who invested time and the taxpayer's money into solar farms only to have them rendered virtually ineffective at generating any usable amounts of power for the grid level scales which they were intended and expected to provide.

“These aircraft emissions could cover the entire sky,” said Wigington, who moved from Southern California to Northern California and went off-grid with solar and wind only to find his solar panels weren't reaching their maximum output on most days due to the chemtrails which linger in the sky for hours, blocking out a portion of sunlight on what should have otherwise been a clear, sunny day.

“I knew that couldn't be condensation blocking sixty-, seventy-, eighty percent of my solar power production,” said Wigington. “I began to test my precipitation, hoped I would not find climate engineering elements in it, starting with aluminum. But, I did. I continued to test. The amounts of aluminum in my precipitation continued to escalate radically in lockstep with what these aircraft were emitting.”

Aluminum is a known neurotoxin which adversely affects the central nervous system of humans and many mammals. Toxic levels of aluminum in the human bloodstream can manifest as Alzheimer's disease which, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is historically in the top three causes of death annually in the U.S.

“Chemtrails are nothing new. We’re just starting to notice them, that’s the shock for us,” a 34-year veteran commercial airline pilot said during a recent interview with Drake Michigan host Ant Critchley.[5] “They’ve been doing it for years. It was pioneered in the [United] States. It’s something the Rockefellers were involved with in sponsoring. A lot of it is being done out of the back of military aircraft, particularly military transport aircraft.”

To protect the pilot’s anonymity, for purposes of the interview he was given the name ‘Mark.’
“The two purposes for chemtrailing are very, very clear. It’s to poison us and block out the sun. Plants need sunlight for photosynthesis and our bodies, for example, need sunlight to produce vitamin D. So, blocking out the sun will have a detrimental impact on and threaten the survival of all life on Earth."

Mark has been a pilot for 34 years and in that time has flown more than 26 different types of aircraft. His experience ranges from flight testing to flying specialist cargo, and he has also flown aircraft for the military as well as commercial airlines. Mark explained that many years ago, he had a first officer that spoke to him about chemtrails. At the time Mark completely dismissed it saying it was “utter nonsense, they would never do that.” And he never gave it another thought until about three years ago when he was meeting friends at a café in the country and saw a line in the sky running north-south, which he estimated was 10 miles long, with 13 shorter two or three-mile-long lines traversing it. “The curious thing is that they stayed there for 40 minutes,” Mark said.

Meanwhile, back in Northern California, Wigington continued his research and became alarmed by what he found at his location. “I began to do extensive research in finding extraordinary amounts of material that no one had covered from a media standpoint, government documents, senate documents on this subject. I was forced to face the fact that climate engineering operations were indeed going on and not being disclosed.”

He said there is an illegal federal gag order at this point on all National Weather Service and NOAA employees. “Why would you gag the weathermen if you weren't hiding something?”

Wigington's full 48 minute interview can be viewed online at the link in footnote 1, below. The interview with the commercial airline pilot can viewed at the link in footnote 5.

2. The Weather Changers ©1968 Daniel S. Halacy Jr. p. 26
3. ref. Angels Don’t Play this HAARP, ©1991 Nicholas Begich and Jeane Manning.
4. Everything You Need to Know, But Have Never Been Told, ©2017 David Icke, p. 596

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© 2023 David R. Deschesne
Fort Fairfield Journal
P.O. Box 247
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(207) 472-0667