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Fort Fairfield Journal Television

From the Editor

From Montauk to the Miami Mall and the 10 Foot Tall Beasts

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By:  David Deschesne
Fort Fairfield Journal
January 24, 2024

An event, that was purportedly witnessed by dozens of people, happened at the Miami Mall in Florida earlier this month (January 4, 2024) which sounds to me very similar to an equally intriguing event that reportedly took place at the former Montauk Air Force Base in New York in the early 1980s.

What I am about to describe here delves into the quantum field, quantum lattices, the illusory nature of reality and the fluidity and flexibility of time—all of which quantum physicists have been researching for the past 100 years, but the general public is mostly unaware of. What I am about to describe may sound a little zany, but I promise you the nature of reality is zanier than you can ever imagine.

I’m going to resist writing an entire thesis on quantum physics and the nature of reality at this point because I’ve already written on it in the past in this newspaper, and have written an entire book on the subject relating it to the Biblical creation story in Genesis.[1]  (see ad, this page)

So, suffice it to say, as our starting point, there is no solid physical reality “out there.” We merely perceive signals from the ether with our five-sense perception and our consciousness causes the physical world to manifest and make our interactions with it appear to be solid and real when in fact, there is really nothing “out there” but waveforms of energy and probability which we perceive, manipulate and interact with—via our consciousness—as if they were “real” in much the same way as we would if immersed in a 3D holographic movie. For a more in-depth treatment of this subject, you can buy my book for $20 and get brought up to speed.

Now, on to the beast anomaly witnessed in Florida earlier this month and its possible connection to the secret government experiments conducted at Montauk Air Force Base over forty years ago.

The Montauk Project
In the mid-1970s through early 1980s Preston Nichols worked as a contractor for the defense department and published his experiences in a book entitled The Montauk Project in 1994.[2] His job was initially to study mental telepathy to determine whether or not it existed. “I sought to disprove it, but I was surprised to find out that it did, in fact, exist,” he wrote in his book. “I had discovered a wave that could be termed a ‘telepathic wave.’ In some respects, it behaved like a radio wave.”

Nichols was recruited to work in the Montauk Project which combined technology from the Phoenix Project and Project Moonbeam.

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An octahedron is a figure with eight sides. The octahedronal antenna at Montauk would have been formed around a shape like this.

graphic/David Deschesne

Phoenix was a weather modification program which used a vacuum tube device developed in the 1930s called a “Radiosonde.” These electronic devices were put into the upper atmosphere via large weather balloons and used to electronically manipulate the weather over certain regions of the planet. Ultimately they would be used in Montauk due to their psychoactive effects on consciousness.

Moonbeam was an ongoing extension of the Philadelphia Experiment of the 1940s when the U.S. Navy was experimenting with electronic cloaking devices to see if they could make their ships invisible to the enemy. The most impressive feat they obtained in this experiment is making an entire ship, The U.S.S. Eldridge, invisible. As it turns out, the Eldridge was transported forward in time and back again when it reappeared.

Throughout the mid-1970s Nichols and his team successfully developed mind reading devices on the air base and, using the cutting edge computers of the time (Cray and IBM 360), were able to consistently read minds of the volunteer subjects involved. To protect the secrecy of the program, Nichols and all team members involved were brainwashed into possessing two separate personalities, either of which not knowing the other existed. When certain members of the team were needed, they received a trigger phrase which brought their alter-ego forward wherein they left their cover job and moved to the secret part of the base to continue their research.

A time came when Nichols’ brainwashing was beginning to wear off and he became cognizant of the two personalities. He also found out about the secret job he was employed by the government to perform.

The next step after the successful mind reading experiments was to attempt to manifest objects from noting and ultimately, time travel. For these projects a volunteer who was especially adept at, and sensitive to, Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) was needed. Several were selected and brought on, but the champion was a man named Duncan Cameron.

As the experiments at Montauk progressed, a system was developed where Cameron, or other ESP sensitive subjects, was placed in a chair in an underground room with a high powered UHF radio transmitter at ground level above him. The chair, dubbed The Montauk Chair, was surrounded by inductive coils previously designed by Nicola Tesla. Above the transmitter was an omni-directional antenna while below the Montauk Chair, deep underground, was an eight-sided octahedronal antenna—also called a Delta T antenna—on the same UHF wavelength with the Montauk Chair in the center, or null point, of the transmitting radio antennas. Some of the equipment in this setup was derived from the Philadelphia Experiment which was conducted some 40 years earlier but the backbone was a high-powered UHF tube transmitting system.

The researchers found that at certain UHF frequencies in the 420—450 MHz range, which were “hopping” back and forth between five selected frequencies, Cameron was able to manifest objects either in the room, or other parts of the base. “Frequency hopping consists of the transmitter instantaneously and randomly shifting around to any of five different frequencies (that were being fed to the transmitter),” wrote Nichols. “They discovered that very fast frequency hops made the modulations more psychoactive. A database was then developed that would list the frequency hop times (times you go from one frequency to another), how they pulse modulated, the rate the pulse modulated at, the pulse width and the power output they pulsed it at...The database was very extensive and covered an extremely broad range of causes and effects.”

Nichols said it took around three to four years to complete this research.

Cameron was ultimately able to manifest physical objects into existence by merely thinking of them while in the Montauk Chair during the experiments. “What Duncan thought of as a subjective reality would be created as an objective reality (either solid or transparent, depending on the circumstances). For example, he could think of an entire building and that building would appear on base,” wrote Nichols. “Whatever Duncan could think up would appear. Many times, it would be only visible and not solid to the touch, like a ghost. Sometimes, it was a real solid object that was stable and would stay.”

(As an aside, at that time, an Indian mystic named Sathya Sai Baba in India was also able to manifest solid objects at a smaller scale, such as cakes and candies, on demand out of thin air but without the aid of any electronics. He was studied by Dr. Erlendur Haraldsson Ph. D. who published his research in a book entitled: Modern Miracles: Sathya Sai Baba, The Story of a Modern Day Prophet.[3])

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The layout of the antenna placement with relation to the UHF transmitter and Montauk Chair containing the human subject as described by Preston Nichols.

graphic/David Deschesne

Further experiments at Montauk were conducted with Mr. Cameron, one of which was dubbed “The Seeing Eye” where he could be holding a lock of somebody’s hair while conducting the experiment and be able to see the world through that person’s eyes.

In the early 1980s the Montauk experiments had successfully opened time portals to the past and the future and some of the more expendable members of the staff were able to pass through those portals and back. “At this point, a ‘hole’ or time portal would appear right in the center of the Delta T antenna—you could walk the portal from 1980 to 1990,” wrote Nichols. “There was an opening that you could look into. It looked like a circular corridor with a light at the other end. The time door would remain as long as Duncan would concentrate on 1990 and 1980.”

On August 5, 1983 they were given a directive to turn on the transmitter non-stop to see where it would go. As it turns out, it opened a portal to the USS Eldridge from 1943 and dropped into sync with that time. Cameron, who was on the Eldridge at the time, then appeared as the 1943 version of himself. The team kept the 1983 Cameron from seeing his 1943 self in order to not create a time paradox.

Some members of the team were getting concerned with where the whole experiment was going and had devised a plan to sabotage it.

“We finally decided we’d had enough of the whole experiment,” Nichols wrote. “The contingency program was activated by someone approaching Duncan while he was in the chair and simply whispering, ‘The time is now.’ At this moment, he let loose a monster from his subconscious, and the transmitter actually portrayed a hairy monster. It was big, hairy, hungry and nasty. But it didn’t appear underground in the null point. It showed up somewhere on the base. It would eat anything it could find, and it smashed everything in sight. Several different people saw it, but almost everyone described a different beast. It was either 9 feet tall or 30 feet tall, depending on who saw it. I personally believe it was about 9 or 10 feet in height. Fright does strange things to people, and no one was sure of what the exact physical constitution of this monster was. No one was in any frame of mind to calmly and collectively analyze its exact nature.”

The supervisor ordered the end the experiment but after cutting power to the generator and transmitter it continued to operate because it was in sync with the power source from the Eldridge through the time portal that was opened. “The system had actually gone into a free energy mode. The two systems (i.e. the two generators—one in 1943 aboard the Eldridge, one at Montauk in 1983) were locked together. There was a tremendous amount of energy bouncing between the generators. With so much energy between them, all the electrical circuits that were connected remained active.”

They were finally able to stop the transmitter by pulling out all the wires from it and the computers, rendering it completely inoperable. At that point, the monster which Cameron had manifested faded away.

The base was ultimately abandoned, all of the equipment spirited away and the underground test rooms sealed with concrete.

The Miami Mall Monster
On the evening of January 4, 2024 there were several eyewitness sightings of what appeared to be ten foot tall creatures. The police presence was enormous with video showing nearly one hundred police cruisers with lights on encircling the mall and occupying nearby streets.

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One witness wrote in a social media post; “We see these three nine-, ten-foot tall creatures - I'm not going to say aliens. Everyone's saying aliens, I'm not saying aliens because I don't know what it was. All of us stopped in our tracks, we, a whole bunch of people were pointing at it. There were other people running. As soon as it made itself more apparent, it looked like it was glitching. Not like a computer pixilation but like a wavy glitch. Like whatever was covering them was unveiled, or whatever.”

The “official” government report on the incident (and the government never lies, right?) from the Miami Police is that they responded to a group of teenagers fighting but that seems to be obfuscation and conflating a story three days earlier where there was a small fight among teens at a nearby business.

Another witness to the event wrote, “I was at the Miami Mall yesterday and the government is lying. There were no kids fighting. Everyone started panicking because these gray creatures were walking around. They didn't make any noises or sounds but stared and watched you move. I tried to take a video but every time I would try to, it would just bug out. They (police) set a perimeter and wouldn't let anybody out or in unless they went through their photos. They [the creatures] were about 6-7 feet tall and walked very slowly. They could turn their head around completely and it seemed like they could change forms, like they didn't have any bones and could bend their body in whatever way. No fingers or feet - just arms and legs. They could also seemingly teleport. They weren't walking around normally but instead disappearing and then quickly reappearing somewhere else.”

1. In the Beginning: Reconciling Quantum Physics with the Biblical Story of Creation ©2020 David R. Deschesne. ISBN 978-0-578-79843-1 available from this author (see ad, this page).
2. The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time, ©1994 Preston Nichols & Peter Moon, Sky Books. ISBN 0-9631889-0-9. The paperback of this book is still available on Amazon.  Here is link to a free pdf copy of the book:
3. Modern Miracles: Sathya Sai Baba, The Story of a Modern Day Prophet, ©1987 Erlendur Haraldsson. ISBN 978-1-908733-25-2

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© 2024 David R. Deschesne
Fort Fairfield Journal
P.O. Box 247
Fort Fairfield, Maine 04742
(207) 472-0667