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Fort Fairfield Journal Television

From the Editor

The U.S. Government: Stealing, Pillaging and Murdering for More than 200 Years

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By:  David Deschesne
Fort Fairfield Journal
April 5, 2023

“Freedom and Liberty”; “The Land of the Free and Home of the Brave” are popularized slogans memorializing a somewhat rose-colored view of the U.S. government since its inception. The reality is, the U.S. government was founded by corporate interests and has been operated more like an organized crime syndicate than one interested in preserving and defending the liberty of its constituents. This multi-generational crime family’s illegal and immoral activities span more than 200 years and should give every American pause as they consider some of the horrible crimes against humanity that have been committed under the banner of “freedom and liberty.”

An entire book could be written on each of the following subjects but I beg you grant me the liberty to condense these crimes down to a much smaller space within the confines of this editorial. I will proceed here to give a thumbnail sketch of some of the crimes the U.S. government has committed but will necessarily have to leave many out for lack of space to fully document them. Yes, there are that many.

The Native Americans
The first group of people to be wronged by the U.S. government were, of course, the native Americans—you know, the society that was already flourishing in the Americas prior to England expanding its commercial operations to the “New World.”
Population demographic records from those early days are sparse which has led to estimates ranging from 8 million to 112 million native Americans occupying this land.

As the states of the newly formed United States sought to expand their territory they did so at the expense of the native Americans. Reservations were set up to accommodate the displaced native Americans at times by force, other times by bribe. Ultimately, those territories shrunk in size as state interests superseded that of the native Americans’ in the U.S. Congress.

Treaties were made and often broken or ignored. For example, land in Wallowa in what is now Oregon was occupied by a Nez Perce tribe leader named Teukakas who passed it on to his son, Joseph (Teukakas had converted to Christianity). White settlers moved in to the land under the U.S. government’s homesteading program, planted their fence posts and claimed the land. When it was explained to the settlers by Joseph that his father had never sold the land to the government, the settlers requested assistance from the U.S. military to enforce their position on the land they had stolen.[1]  One thing led to another and one of the bloodiest wars fought against the Indians ensued with the U.S. military murdering women, babies, children and everyone that resisted them.

While the native Americans were portrayed as “savages”, the U.S. military was just as savage, burning the native Americans’ croplands, killing off their food supply, murdering women and children as they slept and burning down entire villages.
At the crux of the wars against the native Americans was the lure of profit from gold, timber, furs and ultimately a railroad across the continent. This is what motivates all crime families: wealth and greed.

This is the sad story that the U.S. government organized crime syndicated started the country with. However, a few members of one tribe—the Seminole in Florida—never surrendered to the government’s bribes or war mongering and held out deep in the Everglades where their descendants still live to this day.

The (not so) Civil War
As early as 1832, the seeds for the Civil War (a/k/a The Recent War of Northern Aggression) were sown; not with arguments for slavery, but over tariffs and import taxes designed to protect business profits—a form of tax that was never authorized by the U.S. Constitution.

In 1832, South Carolina passed a nullification ordinance over these unconstitutional tariffs and told the feds that they would not enforce them or collect the money. They further warned that if any military intervention took place to coerce them to collect those tariffs, or threaten the ingress and egress of ships in their ports, they would separate from the Union and form their own country.
Now, “them’s fightin’ words,” for sure. Talk of not enforcing federal laws and taxes that are not in compliance with the Constitution, then threatening to leave the Union and forming your own country was not looked upon favorably by the ruling elite in Washington, since the two Carolinas (North and South) as well as Virginia and Georgia contributed 75% of the annual revenue of the federal government.[2]

Twenty-eight years later, when the southern states ultimately did withdraw from the Union and formed their own country, President Lincoln amassed military action against them in order to “Preserve the Union.” Slavery may have been an issue, but it was not the issue. “Preserving the Union” actually meant preserving the income the federal government received from the tariffs imposed at the ports of the southern states. It wasn’t until two years into the war that the call to end slavery was amplified.

In the summer of 1862, Lincoln issued his famous Emancipation Proclamation, which many point to as the document that freed the slaves. But, what isn’t taught in schools is Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves in the states and the parts of states that were in rebellion, not all slaves everywhere. The U.S. Congress had already done the same a few months earlier, anyway.[3]

That war ended with a much more financially solvent, banker-backed northern military dominating and subduing the southern states and forcing them—and their import/export tariff income—back into the Union by force.

Slavery was not technically ended with that war. Rather, it was perfected with the 14th amendment designating every person a “citizen of the United States” who could then be taxed into oblivion with what ultimately became a Federal Income Tax - an unlawful tax instituted over fifty years later and continues to enslave Americans to this day.

The Theft of Hawaii
Like the theft of native American lands a century before, the tropical paradise of Hawaii was also stolen. While the theft wasn’t as prolonged or bloody as the previous land thefts undertaken by corporate interests with the backing of the U.S. government, it was a theft all the same and those indigenous Hawaiians are still trying in vain to get their property back.

For hundreds of years, Hawaii was recognized by other countries around the world as an independent, sovereign nation with its own constitution ruled by a monarchy.

In the early 1800’s Christian missionaries and businessmen from the U.S. traveled there and purchased land leases to grow sugar cane and pineapples to be sold back on the mainland.

In 1893, a group of American and European businessmen, along with some local legislators and a company of 1,500 armed non-Hawaiian locals overtook the Iolani palace and placed the ruling Queen Lili’uokalani under house arrest. The U.S. Navy had 162 armed sailors and marines on the U.S.S. Boston stationed offshore. During the coup the Marines did come onto land, but did not fire a shot. The new, illegitimate pro-U.S. government then established itself and began rewriting laws in their favor. They made it illegal to teach the native Hawaiian language or Hawaiian history in public schools in order to brainwash and subjugate the new generation - similar to what’s being done to children in U.S. public schools today. Hawaii was later annexed by the U.S. in 1898 and a naval base built there. In 1959 Hawaii was received into the U.S. as a State. In 1993, President Bill Clinton signed a formal apology to the native Hawaiians for the U.S. involvement in the theft of their land, but no land was ever returned to the natives.[4]

Today, Hawaii has become a commercialized tourist trap with property so expensive the native Hawaiians cannot afford to live there. These natives, who are still trying to get their land back are mostly living on the streets and in the back woods in tents and plywood hovels while multi-million dollar hotels and resorts dot their skyline.

Federal Income Tax: Enslaving All Americans
For over 100 years, the United States did not have a federal income tax. All government activities were funded by import/export taxes. In 1913, the Congress abdicated its duties to coin the money and set its value (U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 5) and gave that power to a private, for-profit central bank called the “Federal Reserve”. The Federal Reserve is not a branch of the U.S. government, it is comprised of private banking corporations and operates independent of Congress. At the same time, a direct, graduated income tax was illegally ratified as an amendment to the Constitution to allow for a federal income tax directly on the newly created legal entities called “U.S. Citizens” which were created in the post-Civil War era. The amendment was not properly ratified by enough states but the U.S. Secretary of State deemed it ratified anyway, illegally establishing a graduated Federal Income tax in violation of the U.S. Constitution’s rule that all taxes must be uniform throughout the U.S. (see U.S. Constitution Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1).[5]

Possession of Gold “Illegal”
Up until 1933, the U.S. money supply was backed by gold. This meant you could go to the bank and exchange your paper money for physical gold.

But, in 1913 the U.S. Congress abrogated its authority to set the value of the money and gave it to the private Federal Reserve banking corporation. This private bank loaned millions of dollars into existence in the form of “Federal Reserve Notes.” These notes were newly created paper money based on the borrower’s promise to pay the note back with gold. Twenty years went by and the Federal Reserve was successful at acquiring nearly all of the gold in circulation in exchange for its worthless paper notes.
When the public figured out the banks didn’t have enough gold on hand to redeem all their paper money, there was a run on the banks. President Roosevelt shut done all the banks in the U.S. with a “banking holiday” in May, 1933 and House Joint Resolution 192 was quickly passed by Congress, already having been written perhaps months in advance by the financial titans who own the Federal Reserve when they began to see the writing on the wall for their paper money ponzi scheme.

HJR 192 was only two pages long but was designed to do an end-run around the Constitution’s requirement that all debts be settled in gold or silver coin (Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1). Rather than go through the process of amending the Constitution to allow the Federal Reserve’s paper notes to be considered lawful money, Congress arbitrarily decreed the use of gold as money to be “against public policy.”

HJR 192 dovetails with HR 1401 passed a couple months earlier on March 9, 1933 which made possession of gold under a banking emergency illegal with fines of up to $10,000 (in 1932 money!), imprisonment up to 10 years, or both.

When Congress passed HJR 192, anyone caught possessing gold was instantly a felon. Silver was later quietly removed from the coinage in 1963 and gold removed from backing the dollar on the international market in 1971. Since then, the U.S. money supply has been based entirely on debt—a debt that now exceeds $34 trillion. That debt has been strategically designed by the Federal Reserve to never be able to be paid off, except with more debt. This has made future taxpayers the victims of ever-increasing debt loads that they will never be able to pay off. A day will come where the taxpayers’ collateral - all personal and business property, all natural resources and equipment, will be collected via military force by the Federal Reserve bankers under yet another set of false pretenses.

War on The Bonus Army
In mid-1932, as the Great Depression was just getting started, a group of 43,000 demonstrators, 17,000 of which were veterans of World War I along with their families and affiliated groups, gathered in the U.S. capitol to demand early cash redemption of their service bonus certificates.

Many of these veterans had been out of work since the beginning of the Great Depression and were demanding cash for the bonus they were promised in the World War Adjusted Compensation Act of 1924. Those certificates were not payable until 1945, but they needed money now.

The U.S. government responded to the veterans the same way it has responded to all other people who get in the way of corporate profits of the crime family who runs the government - they used brute force. On July 28, 1932, U.S. Attorney General William D. Mitchell ordered the veterans removed from all government property. Washington police met with resistance, shot at the protestors, and two veterans were wounded and later died. President Herbert Hoover then ordered the U.S. Army to clear the marchers' campsite. Army Chief of Staff General Douglas Macarthur commanded a contingent of infantry and cavalry, supported by six tanks. The Bonus Army marchers with their wives and children were driven out, and their shelters and belongings burned.
Now this sounds a lot like how the native Americans were treated.

A second, smaller Bonus March in 1933 under the new Roosevelt administration was defused in May with an offer of jobs with the Civilian Conservation Corps at Fort Hunt, Virginia. These jobs were not the bonus money they were promised because they had to work for the money. But, most of the group accepted the token bribe in the same way the U.S. government bribed many native Americans onto reservations with cash payments. Those who chose not to work for the CCC by the May 22 deadline were given transportation home.

Finally, political pressure became too much and in 1936, Congress overrode President Roosevelt's veto and paid the veterans their bonuses nine years early.

Today, those veterans would have been labeled “insurrectionists” and placed in jail as “terrorists” - a favorite tactic of the crime family that runs the U.S. government.

The Korean War was a civil war between the communists of North Korea and the capitalists of South Korea. The U.S. participated in that war as essentially policemen working unconstitutionally under the command of the United Nations. Since Congress hadn’t technically declared war on Korea, there was nothing in that police action that could be construed as using the military to “defend our freedoms.” Once again, it was about money and how much of it could be made by U.S. businesses who supply the military with products and services.

In the 1960's, Vietnam was in the midst of a civil war between the communists of the North and the freedom-loving capitalists of the South. The U.S. initially got involved as “advisors” to help train the locals in South Vietnam to defend themselves from their northern neighbors.

President Lyndon Johnson signed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution to take the U.S. into war against North Vietnam on August 7, 1964 based on faulty reports and outright lies of an unprovoked attack on the U.S.S. Maddox by North Vietnamese Patrol Boats on August 4. According to classified documents that were released in 2005, the “attack” never happened. Eager to go to war, Johnson asked an equally eager Congress for the Resolution and got it with near unanimity. 58,000 Americans were ultimately killed in a war that had as its cause, a complete lie and fabrication; sounds like business as usual.

Like all wars, there are profits to be made in all sectors of the war economy from bombs and bullets to trucks, tires, lumber, clothing, food supplies and pretty much everything else the military needs to buy to wage a warfare campaign. Billions of dollars in profits were made in that war.[6]
While the military industrial complex profits were enough of a motive to kick start the war there, our friends at the CIA were also nosing around with their cover corporation known as “Air America” - an air travel company that served as a cover for trafficking heroin out of South Vietnam to destinations around the world. All, of course, for off-the-books profits to the CIA.
At no time, however, were any of the military actions taking place in Vietnam doing anything to protect our freedoms here in the U.S. What they were really doing was “protecting U.S. interests,” that is, protecting the CIA’S heroin trade and ensuring profits to US military contractors.

Gulf War I and II
We had to “liberate” the Iraqi people from Sadam Hussein because he was so evil and horrible. Or, was he? Hussein was actually installed in that position by the U.S. CIA years previously.

The real reason for the Gulf Wars was Iraq, an oil producing nation, was getting ready to break ties with OPEC and start selling their oil in exchange for the gold Dinar rather than the U.S. dollar, which was the monopoly money of choice ever since the U.S. struck a deal with Saudi Arabia in the 1970s to provide security for their oil fields in exchange for them denominating all of OPEC’s oil sales in dollars to every country in the world. This deal had to be struck to prop up demand for the dollar since Nixon had just taken it off the gold standard internationally. That created a lot of demand for dollars since any country who wanted to buy oil from OPEC had to convert their currency into U.S. dollars, first.

Sadam Hussein was about to change that dynamic by offering his oil for sale in gold Dinars. For that, Iraq needed to be “liberated.” The U.S. coaxed neighboring Kuwait to slant drill into Iraq’s oil fields on their border in order to instigate a military action by Iraq against that tiny country. When Iraq did invade Kuwait - to protect their (Iraq’s) interest - the left wing government-run state media in the U.S. dutifully built the narrative that Iraq was a mean aggressor nation who invaded poor little Kuwait and we needed to send in our military to “liberate” Kuwait from the evil doers.

Interestingly, today China and Russia are now collaborating on creating a gold-backed currency and have convinced Saudi Arabia to begin moving its oil sales in that currency. Predictably, the U.S. has chosen sides with Ukraine in their civil war against Russia in an effort to stop that gold-backed currency from coming to fruition. But, don’t expect the corporate media to connect those dots for you.

Sold as a war to get even with the scapegoat/CIA operative, Osama bin Laden after the staged 911 attacks in New York City and the District of Columbia (staged by factions within the security agencies of the U.S. government to get the U.S.A. PATRIOT Act passed, build a surveillance police state against the American people, and to provide a convenient cover story to get U.S. troops into Afghanistan) this war was really about opening up the morphine base trade in that region so the local farmers in that area could have a secure route to sell their illegal drugs, through CIA operatives, to supply chains that reach their destination inside the U.S., among other developed nations.

The CIA has been involved in the covert, illegal drug running trade for decades as a means to fund their “off-the-books” covert missions hidden away from the disclosure that would be required of Congressional funding with taxpayer money.[7]

The same government organization that has been engaged in malfeasance over the past two hundred years then presented us with a contrived pandemic sold with hysteria and hyperbole; first, under Trump’s watch, then under Biden’s. This was done to gin up fear in the public and get them to line up and voluntarily accept a population-culling drug disguised as a “vaccine” which nearly 90% of the population did. It should have been suspect that the brand new drug essentially skated through the FDA approval process on safety and efficacy tests performed by the exact same manufacturers who were profiting from the drugs and had received complete legal immunity from any liability for damage their drugs caused in society. Fear has a negative effect on the human psyche and decision-making process and the government capitalized on this quirk of human nature to cripple or kill them.

This was such a short list and many more examples can be added to show how hopelessly corrupt and evil the U.S. government crime syndicate is.

This is not to say there are no good Congressmen or politicians in office; there are, it’s just that there is not enough of them and those who do try to do the right thing are demonized by the state-run news media who were formed to keep everyone brainwashed and ignorant on the global digital slave plantation grid as long as possible.

1. Selling Your Father’s Bones, ©2009 Brian Schofield, p. 50
2. Thirty Years in the U.S. Senate, ©1893 Sen. Thomas H. Benton, Vol. 1, p. 99
3. History of American Politics, ©1880 Alexander Johnston, pp. 190-91
5. See the two volume book set, The Law That Never Was by Bill Benson & Red Beckman, ©1985 Constitutional Research Association. also see:
6. Ref. article by Lt Commander Pat Paterson, U.S. Navy, U.S. Naval Institute, online at
7. Ref.: The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade ©1991 Alfred McCoy ISBN 1-55652-125-1

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© 2023 David R. Deschesne
Fort Fairfield Journal
P.O. Box 247
Fort Fairfield, Maine 04742
(207) 472-0667