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The Military Defends our Freedom.

Since When?




By:  David Deschesne


Fort Fairfield Journal June 30, 2021


   We hear a lot praise for the U.S. military these days regarding how they “defend our freedoms.” But when considering the subject objectively, one might ask, “Since when?”

   In the mid-1980’s I was trained by the U.S. Army as a Radio Teletype Operator.  I subsequently served 6 years active and 2 years inactive in the Maine Army National Guard with that skill set.  (Radio Teletype was the precursor for secure internet text messaging before there was an internet.  RTTY is now an obsolete format only used occasionally as a hobby in amateur radio communications).

   When I went through Army basic training, there really wasn’t a lot said about how we were training to “defend freedom,”  Rather, the mantra then - during the ‘cold war’ - was to “kill commies” since the communists of the Soviet Union were then the flavor of the day for the proverbial bad guys we were training to fight against.

   While the U.S. military may have started out with the intent to “defend our freedom” over two centuries ago, today its mission has changed to “protect U.S. interests.”  That generally means financial interests. 

   But, doesn’t the military still in spirit defend our freedoms and liberties anyway?  I submit they do not and haven’t for quite some time.  For example, look at the most recent war against humanity waged against the American people by their own U.S. and State governments - the COVID-19 response.  Freedoms were trampled continually in many states for more than a year.  Lockdowns, forced business closures, abolition of church attendance, freedom to peaceably assemble, freedom of speech being quashed by social media giants, and many other illegal abuses by government in response to a virus that we knew by the summer of last year had the fatality rate of seasonal flu, for which none of those ridiculously destructive freedom-killing measures was ever deployed.  While all of this was going on, the U.S. military was cowering behind those ridiculous and ineffective face masks.  After all, they take their orders from the same government who was waging war against us and our freedoms.  So, they were completely ineffective as a defense mechanism for our freedoms in that war.

   Surely some of the past wars and skirmishes we involved our military in must have had something to do with defending our freedoms from foreign aggressors.  Unfortunately, that is not the case.   20th, and now 21st, century warfare is all about financial interests and profits.  If a U.S. based multi-national corporation has its profits threatened anywhere in the world, they may call on the U.S. government to quash their opponents  in order to secure their profits and hegemony in that part of the world.  This type of military action is usually done under the propagandist banner of “liberation” - as in they are going to “liberate” that people from a bad guy in their government who happens to coincidentally be doing something that’s costing a U.S. company a lot of money.

   Let’s now look at some of the past wars to see if they had anything to do with our freedom and if not, what could have been their motive.



   Sold as a war to get even with Osama bin Laden after the staged 911 attacks in New York City and the District of Columbia (staged by factions within the security agencies of the U.S. government to get the U.S.A. PATRIOT Act passed; build a surveillance police state against the American people; and to provide a convenient cover story to get U.S. troops into Afghanistan) this war was really about opening up the morphine base trade in that region so the local farmers in that area could have a secure route to sell their drugs, through CIA operatives, to supply chains that reach their destination inside the U.S., among other developed nations.

   The CIA has been involved in the covert, illegal drug running trade for decades as a means to fund their “off-the-books” covert missions hidden away from the disclosure that would be required of Congressional funding with taxpayer money.


Gulf War I and II

   We had to “liberate” the Iraqi people from Sadam Hussein because he was so evil and horrible.  Or, was he?  Sadam was actually installed in that position by the U.S. CIA years previously. 

   The real reason for the Gulf Wars was Iraq, an oil producing nation, was getting ready to break ties with OPEC and start selling their oil in exchange for the gold Dinar rather than the U.S. dollar, which was the monopoly money of choice since the U.S. struck a deal with OPEC in the 1930s to provide security for their oil fields in exchange for them denominating all of their oil sales in dollars to every country in the world.  That created a lot of demand for dollars since any country who wanted to buy oil from OPEC had to convert their currency into U.S. dollars, first. 

   Sadam Hussein was about to change that dynamic by offering his oil for gold Dinars, which are the historic money of the mid-east for centuries.   For that, Iraq needed to be liberated.  The U.S. coaxed neighboring Kuwait to slant drill into Iraq’s oil fields on their border in order to instigate a military action by Iraq against that tiny country.  When Iraq did invade Kuwait - to protect their (Iraq’s) interest - the left wing government-run state media in the U.S. dutifully built the narrative that Iraq was a mean aggressor nation who invaded poor little Kuwait and we needed to send in our military to “liberate” Kuwait from the evil doers.

   What a bunch of BS.  But, that’s what you get with entertainment companies masquerading as news reporting organizations; you get narrative reporting, not news reporting.  But, the hits keep on coming...



   Before the Gulf Wars, the most recent large scale war the U.S. military was extensively involved in was Vietnam.

   Vietnam was in the midst of a civil war between the communists of the North and the freedom-loving capitalists of the South.  The U.S. initially got involved as “advisors” to help train the locals in South Vietnam to defend themselves from their northern neighbors.  But, like all wars, there are profits to be made in all sectors of the war economy from bombs and bullets to trucks, tires, lumber, clothing, food supplies and pretty much everything else the military needs to buy to wage a warfare campaign. 

   While general military industrial complex profits were enough of a motive to kick start the war there, our friends at the CIA were also nosing around with their cover corporation known as “Air America” - an air travel company that served as a cover for trafficking heroin out of South Vietnam to destinations around the world.  All, of course, for off-the-books profits to the CIA. 

   At no time, however, were any of the military actions taking place in Vietnam doing anything to protect our freedoms here in the U.S.  What they were really doing was “protecting U.S. interests,” that is, protecting the CIA’S heroin trade and ensuring profits to US. businesses.



   The Korean War was also a civil war between the communists of North Korea and the capitalists of South Korea.  The U.S. participated in that war as essentially policemen working unconstitutionally under the command of the United Nations.  We hadn’t technically declared war on Korea so there was nothing in that police action that could be construed as using the military to “defend our freedoms.”  Once again, it was about money and how much of it could be made by U.S. businesses who supply the military with products and services.


World War II

   But many would say that the U.S. military was protecting our freedoms in World War II.  Well, not exactly.  For most of the war - which was going on between several European countries defending themselves against the aggressor, Adolph Hitler in Germany, and his allies in Italy and Japan, there was no invasion in the U.S.   This war provided the impetus to yet again drum up some good old fashioned profits for the military industrial complex and create a demand for interest-bearing Federal Reserve Notes and pull us out of the economic collapse that was the Great Depression of the 1930’s.  For most of the war, many U.S. companies, were actually selling their products to Germany to help with their war effort. 

   While it may be argued that Hitler was planning on branching out around the world and would have eventually attempted to take over the U.S., it needs to be pointed out that there is a pretty big body of water separating us called the Atlantic Ocean and it would have been a logistics nightmare to keep control of the U.S. and supply German troops on our soil with the arms, materials, munitions and equipment they would need indefinitely while every redneck with a rifle would have been taking pot shots at the unfortunate German troops who would have been stationed here.

   Besides, it’s easier, and much more subtle, to take over a country by getting bad actors elected to their government - such as has been taking place in the U.S. for years - and controlling them in that way.  The people would never be aware of the takeover.

   Make no mistake, at the end of the day, World War II was about money, not defending our freedoms.   But, what about World War I?


World War I

   In World War I, the U.S. also started out as a neutral nation, letting the counties of Europe duke it out.  Of course, American manufacturers and suppliers were more than happy to do business with those countries.

   While the war was going on in Europe, U.S. banker, J.P. Morgan was happily selling war bonds to U.S. businesses and citizens on behalf of England.  All was going well until it looked like Germany might be getting the upper hand and had a chance to actually beat England.  If England would have lost that war it goes without saying that those war bonds Mr. Morgan sold would have been worthless and never repaid because there would have been no England around to repay them.  So, a plan was concocted to tempt the Germans into firing on the passenger liner, Lusitania by loading it with both passengers and military supplies destined for England, which technically made it a “warship.”  The Germans did take out advertising in U.S. newspapers warning Americans to not take passenger ships into the area during the time of war because their safety couldn’t be guaranteed.  When the Lusitania, loaded with military munitions and supplies steamed toward England with a boatload of unwitting passengers, unaware they were being used as pawns in a game of chess that plays for keeps, the Germans torpedoed the boat, killed many passengers and that provided the necessary cover story to drum up public support in the U.S. for entering the war, thus ensuring a victory for both England and J.P. Morgan, who now had his England war bonds backed up and secured by the power of the U.S. military.


Spanish-American War

   After the USS Maine mysteriously exploded off the coast of Cuba, the U.S. entered into a war with Spain as Cuba was fighting for its own independence from that country.  This war wasn’t fought to “defend our freedoms” it was fought to secure profits to primarily the sugar, coffee and tobacco companies in that area and to give the U.S. an excuse to engage in expansionism as it used the ‘war’ to claim the territories of the Philippines, Samoa, Guam, Wake Island and eventually Hawaii.  Nothing to do with defending our freedoms there.


War Between the States

   Also known as the “Civil War,” this war was not fought to defend our freedoms, it was fought to bring the rebellious Southern States back into the Union to secure the import/export taxes from their ports to the U.S. treasury.  The war was never started over slavery.  The war was started because politicians in the District of Columbia were unfairly raising the import taxes on farm equipment from England in order to make U.S. farm equipment manufacturers’ pricing more competitive. This was illegal since the U.S. Constitution stated all import/export taxes had to be equal and uniform for all products at all U.S. ports.   As early as thirty years prior to the war, South Carolina had addressed this problem with the feds by passing the “Nullification Ordinance” which said essentially if any fed came to their state to enforce a tax that was not allowed by the U.S. Constitution, that fed would be arrested and jailed.  The feds continued misapplying the federal taxes illegally, the southern states rebelled, withdrew their representatives from Congress, formed their own nation - the Confederate States of America - elected their own president, Jefferson Davis, and withdrew all import/export tax payments to the U.S. treasury and kept that money in their own treasury.  The feds then declared war on the Southern states in order to “Preserve the Union” - translated “Preserve the profits.”  For the first three years of that war, slavery wasn’t even an issue.  It was only after President Lincoln found it difficult to recruit new troops to fight that bloody and seemingly endless war that he played the slave card amidst a predominately anti-slavery northern population.  By declaring slaves to be free (actually, Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves in the rebellious states - not the entire U.S.) Lincoln was able to get the necessary levels of volunteers to come in to help a well-funded northern military to finally subdue the southern states.  The end result of that wasn’t the abolition of slavery; it was the perfecting of slavery as the groundwork was laid for ultimately a debt-based money system instituted by a private, for-profit central bank, that would come to be called the “Federal Reserve,” which ended up enslaving everyone in the U.S. - white and black alike - to the slavery of debt via a money system that came into being by debt, was paid for with more debt and thus was, and still is, mathematically impossible to ever pay back.  We are all their slaves.

   Therefore, the “Civil War”, like every other war after it, had nothing to do with defending anybody’s freedom - except, of course, the freedom of the bankers and businessmen to make obscene profits off the sweat and labor of the American people.

   So, is the U.S. military defending our freedoms?  If only they would...