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It's Not Fun Being a Kid in 2023

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By: Josie Adams
Fort Fairfield, Maine
Fort Fairfield Journal, July 12, 2023

As a kid in today’s modern world, I see problems that most adults are unable to notice. I see bullying, lack of education, lack of representation, video game addiction, and so much more. This is concerning, but no one sees it or cares.
No one ever appears to care about the next generation, and it’s never been more important than now. If we don’t turn back to fix our mistakes, if we don’t teach our kids better, if we don’t fight for our kids, America will be in more jeopardy than it already is. We have reached a turning point, not just in American history, but in human history itself.

We can choose to teach our kids right from wrong, to go into our schools and fight for justice, to get our kids away from the video games and the internet and into the outdoors, and to bring back class and respect. Or, we can let the public school system, the government, and the internet decide for us. We can let our kids be wild liberals and identify as whatever being they choose. We can allow them to bully others, to be violent, and to disrespect adults. We can allow this, or we can fight against it. My goal is to open the eyes of adults. My goal is to stop this before it’s too late.

Bullying Issues
I witness bullying often at school. Staff members are trying their hardest to prevent it, but it’s been extremely difficult. It’s often hard to report, and some students will continue to bully, no matter what repercussions they face. For the most part, the kids I know don’t know how to ‘talk it out’ so they turn to violence, or just continue to bully.
I know kids who have been bullied by everyone since kindergarten. I know new students who are bullied ruthlessly for no particular reason. It’s about time we accept that dismissing bullying is one of the most irresponsible things an adult, especially one who works with kids for a living, can possibly do. It’s time we step up our disciplinary measures, for the sake of our children.

The Failures of the Education System
I think most adults would be shocked if they saw how much kids nowadays are struggling with school. I see kids who struggle to construct simple sentences, kids who don’t know basic American history, kids who struggle to do simple math in their heads, and so much more. I occasionally am given the opportunity to work with students on English assignments. I have helped several students who couldn’t recognize a noun, and students who struggled to spell four letter words. These students also struggle to read simple words, and when given an assignment to write a paragraph on a topic, they will write two four-word sentences (often improperly punctuated). I once had to explain to a student, (this year, sixth grade), that Abraham Lincoln was not the first president. They have other things to do rather than try in school, of course. This brings us into our next topic.

Video Game Addiction
Video games are a huge issue in my generation, and among my peers. I have noticed that it is mostly boys who play violent video games, although I know a few girls who do play them. When I say ‘violent games’ I’m talking about first-person, realistic games where the player is rewarded for killing other players. Don’t worry if you die though! You respawn in 10 seconds, like nothing ever happened.
Unfortunately, real life doesn’t work this way. However, since young men aren’t learning about the real world in school, this may set a bad impression on them at a young age. I personally wasn’t exposed to video games and the internet at a young age. I’m not a violent person. But, we can’t go without noticing that the same violent students I see at school are those who are addicted to these games. These are also the same students who struggle with simple math, history, and language arts. Perhaps we can infer that spending most of your day in front of a computer screen does more harm than good, and is part of the reason why this generation is struggling so much.

The Effects of Wokeness
Wokeness can mean many different things. A woke person has trouble thinking deeply about topics, doesn’t believe in freedom of speech, believes they are oppressed no matter what, and believes in an unlimited amount of genders and pronouns. Woke people have trouble tolerating other points of view, are often known to live on social media and are often very young. But honestly, I don’t notice much wokeness in my peers today. Most of them honestly do not care, do not understand, or come from conservative families. I have seen some high school students be affected by the woke nonsense, but I can’t speak for them as a whole. There are some kids in my age group who do align themselves with LGBTQ, but then they change their mind, which leads me to think that they were perhaps looking for attention. We can all hope and pray that these students do not get contaminated by the internet.

Television’s Effect
Most students I know do not watch TV that often. They only really use social media platforms, and rarely read books. The only time they would watch TV is on Netflix or Disney+, (both woke platforms, may I add), which they can easily do on their phones. I can’t speak intelligently on what type of shows are watched by kids my age, because I only watch older shows, and I don’t use Netflix or Disney+.

There is so much more that I could say, but I’m not about to write an entire book (well, at least not right now). I hope that I have opened the eyes of adults who are concerned for our youth. Our country is headed into darkness. Life has never been crazier. The only way the older generations can stop this is by educating youth like me. Sometimes, the actions of the Left may stop some from fighting. The idea that stating reality can have you shunned and eliminated from society is a horrifying thought for many. But, it doesn’t need to be that way. It isn’t right, and if you choose to follow the principles of truth, nothing can stop you. Truth is what formed America, and truth will be what will save America.

Josie is a twelve year-old seventh grade student at Fort Fairfield Middle/High School.

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Fort Fairfield Journal
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