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16 Year-Old Texas Teen Killed by Pfizer’s Experimental COVID-19 “vaccine” Drug


His father calls it Murder



By:  David Deschesne

Fort Fairfield Journal, June 1, 2022

   A distraught father, Ernest Ramirez testified at U.S. Senator Ron Johnson’s COVID-19 hearing in November, 2021.  He told about how his otherwise healthy 16 year-old son died shortly after receiving Pfizer’s experimental COVID-19 gene therapy shot due to heart failure after his heart swelled up to twice its normal size.

    “I got the vaccine to protect my son.,” Mr. Ramirez told the conference attendees. “In March, April they were announcing how it was safe for teenagers.  Me and my son had never been apart.  We were always together.  He was my best friend.” 

   Mr. Ramirez’s son, Ernest Jr. joined ROTC in High School with plans to join the US Air Force upon graduation.  But that was cut short when he was tragically killed by Pfizer's experimental COVID-19 gene therapy which was deemed safe for teenagers by a corrupted, bought-and-paid-for U.S. Food and Drug Administration “advisory committee” who overlooked the safety issues and bowed to political pressure to authorize the experimental drugs for emergency use in an age group that by-in-large does not suffer from COVID-19 to begin with.

   “We got the Pfizer 'vaccine' because I thought it was to protect him.  I thought it was the right thing to do.  It was like playing Russian Roulette.  My government lied to me, they said [the COVID ‘vaccine’] was safe.  Now, I go home to an empty house.”

   “They need to quit pushing this on our children.  I lost mine, you all need to protect yours.  They're trying to target the five to twelve year olds.  We're going to have more deaths on our hands than they planned.  They say it's worth the risk.  It wasn't worth the risk to me.  My son meant the world to me, they can never give him back to me.  That's all I want is my son back, so don't make the mistake I did.  I did it because I thought it was the correct thing to do.  It wasn't, it was not. 

   “I love the hell out of my country, but I don't trust my government anymore.  I'm here because I'm junior's voice.  I'm doing this in my son's honor.  If I can protect one or two children, that means the world to me.  We need to protect our children.”

   “What they did to my son, they knew what was happening, I consider that murder.  In December, 2020 they did a study and they knew it caused heart conditions in teenagers.  Why wasn't this information released until October 1 [2021]?  If we would have known this, my son would be here with me.  So, like I said, they murdered my son.” [editor:  The Fort Fairfield Journal reported on these safety issues, as admitted to by Pfizer, in the April 21, 2021 edition and posted the story online with a link to Pfizer’s own admissions and studies saying their drug was not recommended for teens.  Unfortunately, not everyone reads the Fort Fairfield Journal.]

   “The other people that are suffering, these kids, with all these side effects that's child abuse right there.  Why isn't something being done?  We don't let anyone hurt our children, we put our lives in front of our children.  Why are they doing this to our kids?  Everyone needs to stand up with me, we all need to fight together.”

   The CDC, FDA, “vaccine” manufacturers and left wing media outlets were all invited to attend this Senate conference but, unsurprisingly, none of them showed up to hear the stories or testimony presented.

   Following the death of his son, Mr. Ramirez decided to raise awareness around the issue. So he launched a GoFundMe page—but soon found his page deleted for “prohibited conduct” and donations to him forfeited.  In the U.S., you are not allowed to question the seemingly omnipotent Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex.