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Professional Mountain Biker Has His Career Ended After Taking the Toxic COVID-19 “vaccine”
By: David Deschesne
Fort Fairfield Journal, December 14, 2022
In November, 2021 U.S. Senator, Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) held a public hearing in the U.S. Capitol featuring many victims of the COVID-19 'vaccine' campaign who had been irreversibly damaged. Each was allowed to tell their story. While Dr. Anthony Fauci, the directors of the CDC, FDA, all of the establishment media networks and other government-sponsored 'vaccine' marketing agents were invited to attend, none showed up.
29 year-old professional mountain bike racer, Kyle Warner was allowed to give his testimony describing how his career ended after taking the experimental gene therapy 'vaccine.' "Before I start my speech, I just want to say Thank You to Dr. Fauci, to the FDA heads, CDC, NIH, everyone for not showing up to this meeting and not listening to us," Warner said facetiously. "I really appreciate it. I'm glad that you have our interests at heart."
Warner, a three time national champion mountain bikd racer, said being atheletic and positive were two attributes he strived for. "For most of my life I have focused on being healthy and positive as possible and inspiring other people to do the same."
Warner told about how he grew up without much money in a household that was broken with a family battling drug abuse, prescription drug abuse and addiction. "I never really felt like I belonged to much of anything. However, I spent each morning before school with my hand over my heart pledging allegiance to the flag. Thousands of times I spoke these words; 'One nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.' Being a part of this country inspired me to chase my dreams and granted me the freedom to do so."
In the Spring of 2021, the Biden regime was encouraging young, healthy Americans - who had no risk of serious illness from the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus - to get 'vaccinated' to help end this war on the pandemic. "I stepped up. I wanted to serve the greater good," said Warner. "I wanted to help fight this war, not because I was afraid of COVID but because my country asked me to. You told me this 'vaccine' is 'safe and effective,' period; and I believed you."
But, trusting a government that habitually, reflexively and continuously lies about just about everything is probably not such a good idea when it comes to your own personal health decisions, as Warner tragically found out. "This time, I ended up with my hand on my heart for a different reason. In June, I joined the rapidly growing number of young men who developed pericarditis post-mRNA 'vaccine.' That is the inflammation of the liner surrounding the heart. That condition, along with POTS and reactive arthritis have completely brought an end to life as I knew it. I have been bed-ridden, unable to work and unable to exercise for months. I fear that my career has been officially ended."
At the time of the hearing, the U.S. CDC/FDA shared databse, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) had reported tens of thousands of serious adverse events and over 19,000 deaths associated with the toxic experimental gene therapy drugs but nobody in those agencies seemed interested in dealing with those numbers - choosing, instead, to completely ignore them which is unprecedented in the history of those two agencies.
"Listening to these stories today and looking at the VAERS database it is easy to see that we have a serious problem arising," Warner told Senator Johnson's panel. "But you guys already know this. The real question is whether or not you will stand up to your favorite pharmaceutical company lobbyist in defense of the American people you are supposed to serve."
Warner challenged the U.S. government to hold itself accountable for its reckless behavior surrounding the alleged 'vaccines.' "We were told we were fighting a war against the pandemic and the question in the air is; will you leave your troops behind yet again? I'm not asking you to end the 'vaccine' program by any means. All I'm asking for is some transparency and an acknowledgement of what's happening so that we as a country can have an honest discussion of the risks. I believe where there is risk there must be choice and without acknowledging that people are being seriously injured and dying, we are doing a great disservice to the American people."
"It is estimated that Moderna and Pfizer will make around $60 billion in revenue this year from COVID-19 'vaccines and with the rollouts of boosters and mandates, it seems like much of that is destined to be recurring revenue," said Warner. "We need to set up a fund with a portion of 'vaccine' proceeds to help heal and study injured Americans and compensate the families who have lost loved-ones due to complications of the 'vaccine.'"
"This is the first-ever mass-administration of mRNA 'vaccines' and the drug companies need to compensate us if they are going to be testing on us." However, the pharmaceutical companies were granted full immunity from liability and lawsuits before they pushed their experimental drugs into the general public - perhaps this is the only immunity that is extant in this whole COVID 'vaccine' fiasco.
Warner ended his testimonial on a somber note which reflects the current state of affairs in the U.S. today, "Do you know why we stopped saying the Pledge of Allegiance in school? It's because the new one, 'One nation, under siege, completely divisible with liberty and justice for all corporations' doesn't sound quite as good."