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 Common Core,

Microwaved Mice

and Subliminal Propaganda





By:  David Deschesne

Editor/Publisher, Fort Fairfield Journal

October 11, 2017


   Ever since government has been allowed to dictate curriculum in publicly funded schools, there has been an ongoing onslaught of propaganda and disinformation against school children.  With the intent to enforce government-friendly ideas, as well as shore up profits for corporations who contribute heavily to political campaigns, the propaganda in government school curriculum is increasingly becoming more overt.

   “Common Core” is a current example of government mandates run amuck as a haphazard, confusing, mind-numbing and convoluted method of teaching is being forced on public school teachers and students.  The sole design and intent of Common Core appears to be to confuse and obfuscate—to make students dumber, or less-informed, than they were to start with. 

   You may have concluded by now that I have nothing good to say about Common Core, but you’re wrong.  I give that teaching system very high marks when it comes to propaganda placement and its subtle means of delivering covert messages to an unwitting teaching, as well as student, body.

   A recent example of what appears to be propaganda placement was found in a Common Core science worksheet, where the student had to analyze a scenario and explain how a hypothesis is developed based upon that data.  While this worksheet is being used at Fort Fairfield Middle School, you can be assured it is also infesting the minds of public-schooled youths across the U.S.

   In this example, pictured above, we have a fun-loving Bart Simpson cartoon character with the text of the word problem as such:

   “Bart believes that mice exposed to microwaves will become extra strong (maybe he’s been reading too much Radioactive Man).  He decides to perform an experiment by placing 10 mice in the microwave for 10 seconds.  He then compared the performance of these 10 mice to another 10 mice that had not been exposed to microwaves.  His test consisted of a heavy block of wood that blocked the mouse from food.  He found that 8 out of 10 of the microwaved mice were able to push the block away to get to the food.  7 out of 10 of the non-microwaved mice did the same.”

   The student is then directed to identify the hypothesis, control group, experimental group, independent variable, dependent variable the conclusion and the ethical considerations of this particular experiment.

   The Common Core worksheet then wraps that macabre and disgusting word problem inside of a happy cartoon Bart on a skateboard and a smiling clown motif.  Clever disarmament technique, wouldn’t you say?

   A hypothesis is something assumed because it seems likely to be a true explanation (-World Book Dictionary).

   What’s interesting about this example is the student must come to the conclusion that the hypothesis—microwaved mice are stronger—must be true.

   The propaganda element is much more subtle.  Since the example suggests microwaved mice are stronger than non-microwaved mice, it is subliminally cued that microwaves are in some way beneficial to living organisms.  Whether this experiment is true, or not, is irrelevant.  It’s the subliminal propaganda mileage that it gains that’s most important.

   This is why I give the Common Core curriculum such high marks in delivering propaganda.  It is so subtle that it goes nearly unnoticed by most readers (except me)!

  While mice may initially appear stronger, due to the adrenaline that may be produced as their bodies undergo the intense stinging heat stress of being microwaved at high power (I don’t know this for a fact, I don’t think this is an actual scientifically validated experiment), the long-term effects would undoubtedly be detrimental.  After all, the U.S. military has been using “microwave cannons” for at least fifteen years overseas as a method of crowd and riot control. 

   So, to what end would these clever Common Core psychopolitical programmers have to promote microwave energy as beneficial to living organisms?  You may ask.

   Enter:  The cell phone.


Cell Phones:  Miniature Microwave Transmitters

   The cell phone industry is a multi-billion dollar per year profit bonanza.  Nearly everybody in the industrialized world has been convinced they absolutely have to own one, keep it with them at all times and be constantly “plugged in” to the electronic matrix it presents to them (except me, I’ve never owned a cell phone).

   What most people are oblivious to, however, is that the cell phone is literally a miniature microwave transmitter.

   Microwave energy falls just below infrared light on the electromagnetic spectrum.  Its use to heat water and ultimately cook food was discovered in the middle of the 20th century.  This discovery spawned a new era in cooking convenience with the microwave oven.

   Microwave ovens transmit microwave energy inside of a steel box at power levels from 500 to 1,500 watts.  The microwaves bounce around inside this steel box exciting water molecules in food to heat them to boiling.  This heating of the water molecules is what causes food to cook.  If you place dehydrated food, or food with no moisture content, in a microwave it will not heat up—with the slight exception for any ambient moisture that might be in the air inside the microwave oven.

   Cell phones (and the equally ubiquitous Wi-Fi wireless internet routers) transmit signals nearly continuously in this same band of microwave frequencies, though at a reduced power level of 5 watts or less.  While the power levels are miniscule, what’s important is the amount of time spent in what’s called the “Near Field” of the microwave radiation. 

   Microwave energy, like its cousins X-Ray and Gamma Ray at the other end of the light spectrum, is ionizing radiation.  That is, it can cause subtle mutations to cellular DNA as it divides in the natural process of producing new cells.

   People today buy cell phones for themselves and their young children.  They either keep them pressed to their head for hours out of a day, or incessantly send and receive text messages with the phone near their midriff, which contains their reproductive organs.

   Preliminary research, that the cell phone industry has been quite successful at suppressing, has shown that in addition to causing cancer cells to develop via cellular mutations, microwave energy also causes a rise in glucose production in the area of the microwave near-field.  These effects are especially noticed in the brain as the cell phone is held so close to the head for extended periods of time.

   This increased glucose production, coupled with mutated cells that use glucose to grow, is what sets up a scenario for increased cancer rates to appear.

   The cell phone industry is still relatively new.  Teenagers today have no frame of reference for a world without cell phones—a world that existed up until a few years before they were born.   Since cell phone technology and the catastrophic increase in the sea of microwave energy humans have now immersed themselves in is so new, the adverse effects may begin to manifest as increased cancer rates and new forms of cancer into the near future.  We don’t know what that future will look like because we are still in the testing and experimental phase.  In actuality, we are the “mice in the microwave.”

   To keep the public calm and abated, the cell phone industry does not focus too heavily on the adverse effects of microwave energy on living organisms.  Though, there is some really fine print in the safety literature that recommends limiting the use of cell phones and not holding them up directly to your head.

   With billions of dollars in profits at stake, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that this Common Core propaganda puff piece on microwave radiation was some form of propaganda placement on behalf of the cell phone manufacturers and Wi-Fi industry.

   The teachers who wrote this particular piece on microwaved mice may be malevolent, but I don’t think they’re smart enough to develop the microwaved mice propaganda all by themselves.  I think they may have had some help from those more in the know.

  Now, go hold your transmitting cell phone up next to your head for hours on end.  After all, microwave energy is beneficial to life, isn’t it?


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